Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Music For Tantra

By Hans Havasi

Tantra and polarity

In Tantra one of the fundamental principles is the principle of polarity. The universe has a masculine principle called Shiva and a feminine principle called Shakti.

The masculine represents the transcendent aspects of the universe: The consciousness, the spirit, the world of ideas, while the feminine represents the imminent aspect of the universe: The material, the body, nature, our moods, life itself.

If there is Shakti with no Shiva chaos will prevail as there is no master plan. If there is Shiva with no Shakti the universe would not exist.

Together they make the dance of creation, the dance of preservation and the dance of destruction.

This dance exists on all levels of cosmos. For example on the cosmic scale, huge galaxies (Shakti) revolve around points in space, black holes (Shiva), singularities in space time.

Polarity exists in the couple relationship where the man embodies Shiva and the woman embodies Shakti. Polarity exists within us, our bodies, emotions and mental activity are Shakti while the spark of consciousness and awareness within us is Shiva.

More poetically put, Shiva represents consciousness, while Shakti is the energy. Shakti gets to know herself by mirroring herself in Shiva.


Another fundamental tantric teaching is the law of Resonance. As we stated above, the whole visible universe is Shakti, who is vibrating pulsating energy split up in an infinite range of frequencies.

Resonance states that energy which pulsates with the same wave length will attract other energies vibrating with the same frequency (the law of attraction).

A system which pulsates with a specific frequency can transfer data from another system vibrating with the same frequency.

E.g. if you are happy you will transfer data from other systems which have "happy energy". You will transfer data from all the people that ever were happy and transmitted happy energy into the universe.

Similar resonances can be transmitted through different mediums. A landscape can give you happy thoughts just as well as music and colors can.

Listening to disharmonious music such as heavy metal will only amplify feelings of hatred and anger within you as you connect to the universal storehouse of anger and frustration as have so many angry heavy metal listeners.

Some say that you have to expose yourself to negative energies to become stronger. This may be true but only if you have the consciousness (Shiva) to go through it with awareness. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed and it will do you no good.

You should rather put your attention on the good beneficial energies!

The Tantric World

Tantrics actively study Shakti in her myriad ways to thereby understand the mind of Shiva. In these studies of Shakti the universe has been categorized into Gods and Goddesses, each representing a unique range of frequencies/aspects.

As an example of a range of energies in the same frequency we can mention the concept of compassion. This concept is embodied in the Goddess Tara in the tantric tradition. In our modern western civilisation we do no longer understand the need to represent such a concept with a Goddess.

But deifying an energy has an important function: It enables us to identify easier with the energy as it gains a human face. It is easier to digest and to take in.

Only through identification with an object can you reach a complete understanding of it as you put yourself completely in its place.

A bija mantra is a sound which has the core vibration of the range of frequencies represented by a certain God or Goddess.

The mantra is repeated fervently by the one worshipping the Goddess.

Tantra means "Net" or "Network" because Tantra sees the universe as a huge network of resonances between common frequencies and offers the worshipper an opportunity to log on to these networks through Goddesses and their Mantras.

These tools enable us to get into contact with any aspect of creation.

Tantric music

Music is one of the most powerful ways to enter into resonance with an energy. There is nothing as powerful as music at opening up an emotion within us. Music can transport us instantly into new worlds and ideas. Music can be soft, humble, powerful, dynamic etc.

The artist who enters into a specific resonance composes his music in that resonance and the listener who has the resonance awakened in himself will easily identify with that music.

It is in the artists interest to choose which energy he wants his audience to feel, because it enables him to consciously "soak" himself in that energy while creating his artwork and to transmit it to his audience through resonance.

The inspired artist submerges himself into the Bija of an uplifted energy, impregnates his art with it and thereby transmits this to the audience. In this way the artist is like a priest who conveys the divine to those who are able to receive.

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