Monday, September 28, 2009

How to Dunk a Basketball Revealed

By Connor Ferris

It's no secret that every basketball player would love to know how to dunk a basketball. We all spent our childhoods trying to jump as high as we can, and then one day we finally reached the net. Some of us ended up reaching the backboard and rim after that, but it's a major challenge no matter where you're at. Here are some pointers to get you on your way.

1. If you're at the point where you can reach rim, it'll still take some work to dunk. One of the quickest ways to train yourself before making the jump is to try dunking with a tennis ball. It's much easier to palm and is a great way to start out.

2. It's important to both have leg strength and great endurance when learning how to dunk a basketball. By standing right under the basket and jumping without any kind of a running start, you'll build both your legs and your endurance. Do fixed position jumps about 25 straight times, with no major rest in between jumps (a few seconds in between each jump tops).

3. Do squats. These build the quadricep muscles and act as a major source of leg strength.

4. Lift weights with exercises that emphasize the hamstrings and the calves. While it's very important to have strong quads, it's equally important to make sure the muscle distribution within your legs is widespread.

5. Do sit-ups and other exercises to strengthen your abs. A strong midsection can work wonders toward helping you finally learn how to dunk a basketball.

6. Make sure you own a comfortable set of basketball shoes. They should be lightweight enough for you not to be impacted by the size of the shoes.

7. Change your diet. What you eat is just as important as everything else. Eat lots of fruit, vegetables, proteins, and keep the sugar intake relatively low.

8. This one is my secret weapon. I had to spend a few dollars for it, but it was well worth it considering that I spent years trying to learn how to dunk a basketball with no success. After buying a training course that gave me videos, workout plans, and more, I was able to dunk a basketball after about 8 weeks of practice.

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