Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WoW Advice: From Someone Who's /played Time Has to Include Years

By Christopher Beachum

I have to be honest with you. WoW is an addicting game. It just has so many ways to play and enjoy the game that it's hard for me to choose. Some people love the quests. It makes them feel as if they are actually there in the world of Azeroth. Some are Scrooges bent out on ruling the farming locations and auction house. You would be surprised how similar it is to the stock market. Then there are the fighters, nothing but death, destruction, and maybe a few heals here and their can quench their thirst. And you never could forget PvE every one wants a piece of the action on the latest world bosses. You know what is rare to see in WoW? Someone who can master all of these aspects of the game. Why is there very few masters in this game you might ask? Elementary my dear. It's hard to accomplish! When you look at it there are only three ways possible to become the best at the game. One, doing it on your own. Two, buying a guide on these aspects. Three, hiring an online service to do this for you. All three have their ups and downs (some more downs then ups). Through personal experience I will state the following confession confession of a WoW addict.

I started out as any other player would in Azeroth. All alone no friends nor contacts I ventured out into the world to learn of all the wonderful aspects it provides. It took me months to reach level 60 (at the time the leveling cap), never had gold, was dominated in PvP, and couldn't get in a Onxyia raid to save my life. I sucked It was only through people who have already mastered the game did I truly learn how to play. So if you personally don't like spending money. Your fate of the game may lie up to who you know and what they know. Its hard to do any of this by yourself.

I couldn't wait for all this information to trickle in and having to refer to Google every two seconds for advice crashed my game play as well. So I searched for a online service to put me up to the top. Let me say this the only thing my money got me for these "services" was the knowledge that some Chinese gold farming slave got a little richer. I couldn't even hit enter to confirm my purchase before they entered my account and started to strip it bare. Never ever use any of these services trust me I know they don't work.

Last, but not least is guides. My first impression on most online guides were a sour one. Almost bitter sweet. Every guide that I thought was the one looked good, but just was plain crap when I bought the guide. Really to be honest I actually thought of giving up WoW because I already lost everything on my account and every guide I bought didn't help at all.

As you can tell I still play WoW, and I have achieved everything I dreamed of and more. I am finally leet status. ☺ It was a hard journey, but I just couldn't give up the game I love. Not after how much time and money I threw into it. Reading the WoW forums I meet my friend Dave Farrell a fellow WoW addict. Every thing he posted on the forums was right on point and I was asking some questions trying to plug him for all his knowledge. He emailed me back stating that he was just using some excerpts from his WoW guides. Instantly I felt violated and I didn't even hear the sales pitch, but oddly enough he didn't give me a sales pitch. He gave me a challenge. He said if I bought his WoW guide that if I wasn't satisfied with the results from it that he would hand over his account. I couldn't buy his guides quick enough. I figured If I skimmed through them tried some of the techniques, addons, etc. wait a couple days and state the fact that his guide "doesn't work" I would get a free account. My friend I may not own his account, but his challenge was the best choice I have ever made. Everything I could want from PvP, leveing, PvE, gold farming, even as specific as Midsummer Festival could be found on his online guide. Let me extend the same challenge offered to me to you. Buy his guides, try them, and if you truly do not like them I will give up my account to you. Level 80 hunter Don't like hunters? Sell my account then, it will easily get $300-$400. Don't know how to sell accounts, I will do it for you. If you have any questions email me at, aim is zero0409, if your ambitious I will even let you call me on my cell phone.

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