Monday, September 21, 2009

Physical Fitness and a Routine You Can Stick To

By Tony Scwartz

I know that personally I have started working out so many times and then POOF just up and quit. If this sounds like you, then I think I have found a solution. I believe that if you are going to stick to your out plan than you should find one that you enjoy AND that fits your personality.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what you enjoy doing. Personally, I love yoga. I find it to be very relaxing and it builds muscle while I am at it. I also really enjoy walking with friends. For me, if I can do a fitness activity with a friend then I am much more likely to do it, because then it is more like socializing and less about fitness.

Another example of someone fitting in fitness in a way she enjoys is my sister. She has a very active toddler so she uses an adjustable dumbbell set and works out in the evenings after she goes to bed. She also spends a lot of time walking and playing with her son.

Take some time and think about what works for you. Do you like to swim? Do you prefer hiking and biking? Do you like to lift weights? The big key is finding what it is that you like to do and doing it often. Of course any movement is better than no movement at all.

One of the things that I do recommend is that when you are setting up your routine to include some resistance training with weights. Resistance training is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get fit and feel great. It also has tons of other health benefits. You don't have to go to the gym, just get a set of adjustable dumbbells and check out You Tube for exercises.

Make sure you take care of your body. It is the only one you have.

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