Thursday, September 24, 2009

Build Great Teams with a Quiz Night

By Mike Tants

Great Teams Make Things Happen:

By changing attitudes and behaviour towards the people that work in an organisation, you can empower them and create great teams, and it's these great teams that make more happen for a company than anything else.

Teamwork is fostered by focusing on PEOPLE rather than TASK. By focusing on the people and getting that right, means the tasks will just happen.

One of the best resources a company can have is a team of people working for each other. You know when a team is great because they decide, as one team, that they are going to do something because they know that they can make a difference, and they make this decision not because they have been told to, but because they want to.

Team building:

There a loads of team building exercises out there. Companies could spend a fortune sending team out on team days if they wanted, but there are also cheaper ways to slowly build teams. This article will talk about the benefits that can be had by arranging a company quiz night.

Why a Quiz Evening?

Here are some reasons why choosing to host a quiz night at your company would be of benefit.

It's cheap! For just a couple of quid you could buy a quiz pack online or if you had the time you could write your own for free. It might also make it more fun if there were some drinks available for the participants and some nibbles.

Secondly, it can be done any time with not much planning. A few hours after work should suffice, and you may be able to host it in the office canteen or down the local pub (you may even be able to convince the landlord to give the winners a free drink since you will generate him some more punters for the night!).

Thirdly and most importantly, it gets people working together towards a common goal - i.e. answering as many questions correctly as possible! Without knowing it you are giving opinions, listening to others, reasoning with people, chatting, joking, but always with the goal in mind - we need to get this question right!

They can also be used in the wider organisation context. I've been to corporate quiz nights where there is a condition that you can only have two members of the same business function in your quiz team, therefore ensuring that people across the business meet each other and are almost forced (in a non-forceful way!) to interact and find out what they do.


The benefits can be far reaching - employees get to know one another and what they do making the business more transparent. It can help bring different business functions closer together and that can only help the organisation.

The bottom line is people get to know each other, and once they know each other it makes it easier to work with them, they are more likely to want to help them and companies become great. After all, it's the people that make a company great.

About the Author:

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