Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Is the Quality of My Photographs So Bad At Night?

By Tobias Sterling

If you are like a lot of other keen camera users, you probably have a sophisticated compact point-and-shoot camera that you use for most of your photography. Maybe its from a big manufacturer of cameras like Canon, or one of the electronics giants like Sony or Samsung. If it is relatively new, it most likely has a high megapixel count, not to mention a host of other features. Lastly, it probably looks pretty slim and sexy to boot!

Although you have all these fabulous features, you may be puzzled, disappointed or frustrated at your inability to take a quality photo at night or in low-light such as indoors away from a window. You may have found that photos you take at night come out either blurry, horribly washed out by the flash, grainy/noisy, lacking in color, or all of the above.

The reason for this? Every camera is equipped with the capability to take quality, clear and concise photographs. However, it is extremely difficult for a camera to approximate what you actually see in poor lighting. The main reason for this problem is that a cameras shutter must stay open longer in order to expose the sensor to enough light to take the photograph. In addition, it is almost nearly impossible to hold a camera steady using only your hands. So, what are your options? Well, you could try utilizing the flash on the camera; however this tends to give an unnatural quality to your photos as well as giving the people in the photo an ugly complexion. You can also try using ISO; however, this feature has its own set of problematic tendencies.

Some tips are listed below to help you in your low-light photography:

1) When purchasing a brand new camera, make certain it offers an 'optical image stabilization' feature. This unique technology can compensate for any movements made by the person holding the camera and correct them, ensuring a quality photo.

2) Turn off the flash feature on your camera and ask your subjects to remain very still. In addition, you can try moving your subjects to better light or experiment with the Night Mode setting on your camera. This should be in the menu.

3) For non-moving subjects such as buildings, try using a tabletop tripod. These work wonderfully and are very easy and compact to carry around. However, if you are in a bind, a tree or lamppost can also be utilized to stabilize your camera.

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