Sunday, August 16, 2009

The History Of The Beautiful Violin

By Jim Samposzi

The violin, an instrument of the string group, has deep roots in the history of the world. Although nobody can say for sure, many believe it to have been introduced towards the late 8th century in Asia. But, the exact origin is highly debated and nothing is confirmed 100%. Either way, the first of the kind we see today was not seen until the fourteen hundreds. Before this time, many hybrids were seen but not like the violin. Some of the more well-known of violin-type instruments were:

The Vielle - Europe 11th century

The Rote - Europe 11th century

The Ancient Vielle - France 13th century

The Viola de Gamba - Italy 16th century

Lira de Braccio - Italy 16th century

Viola de Braccio - Italy 16th century

Vyollon - France 16th century

Violino - Italy 16th century

Viewing the list mentioned previously, it is obvious that Italy had major influence on violin-type instruments before the major overhaul of the violin. But, the first speaking of the word Violin happened in England in the fifteen hundreds. The Italians though took it further by building the closest form of today's violin. By this time, this nation took the lead on building string instruments that closely resembled the violin. Also, it is important to note that these violins used to have only three strings and finally began being built with 4 but not until the later part of the 16th century.

After time, makers from Germany, Austria, Holland, England, Norway, and Spain jumped in the mix and by the sixteen hundreds, many European manufacturers got involved in the craft. The construction of this gorgeous music maker declined in the 18th century as they could not make it better than it was. In addition, the Baroque era, a time in music that these instruments were used in, died. Therefore, many did not desire the harmonious sounds that violins offered. Many tests and trials were done to enhance the look but hold on to the existing shape and sound quality. There were many experiments that did not fit the bill and violin sales hit a lull towards the mid 1800's.

It did not come until the nineteen thirties that manufacturers perfected the design into the classical and traditional one we know of today. The signature f-holes were conceived and included on all new model violins during the 30's. Today, they all have the f-holes and classical scroll at the top that makes them all unique. Even if this instrument played no music at all, you cannot deny the beauty of the construction. The violin is like no other instrument and is a well-known instrument today. The violin is a very popular instrument to be learned by students of elementary and grammar schools. Although it is considered a tricky one to learn, this instrument is practiced for years so one can perfect the sound.

Whenever the birth, the violin is the perfect addition to concerts, orchestras, and chamber groups. The harmony generated from this instrument is like no other. Today, this instrument is included in popular music and rock even with some songs. The violin is always experimented on by manufacturers to create the world's finest violin!

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