Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reality Television Shows

By Wayne Torres

Television networks are producing more factual and realistic shows to attract general viewing public. The masses seem to have more interests in watching ordinary people doing exuberant stuff.

The reality shows are still becoming famous among the television viewers. In the reality shows, the cast are the ordinary people who are placed in an uncertain situation to achieve something. The hourly programs consist of several unknown contestants who will strive for getting their targets.

Television companies have added variety to the reality shows. These can be classified as game shows, elimination round shows, dating shows, self improvement programs, dating shows, houses hidden camera shows, talk shows and documentary style programs.

The new faces in the reality shows are usually uncomfortable with the camera. The ordinary people participating in the reality shows make the programs tireless for the public by their talent and adventure.

But anxiety can be seen in the contestants when they struggle for the prize. Viewers get to see the nervousness amongst the participants. For example, the contestants will travel around the world to find and beat clues to get the monetary prize in The Amazing Race.

The flight schedules, the run through airports, competition with other contestants and the inability to understand language results into anxiety from hard pressure.

Anxiety is not common among the actors in the daily soaps. This anxiety makes the shows more realistic and connects us to the facts.

We see participants doing scary things in the adventurous reality show Fear Factor. The activities are horrible for the public but aren't that easy for contestants too.

Participants in the Fear Factor struggle with their own fear and anxiety in a way one can't just imagine. They eat living insects, jump from a height of three hundred feet in the air and get locked with snakes in the coffin.

Entertainment is really evolving into a totally different era. Being real in television is already considered as enjoyment for other people. A sense of fear and anxiety can really hype up the viewing audience. By watching reality shows such as these, it would give us the impression of what's real and what's not.

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