Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Improve Your Reputation in World of Warcraft

By Jeff Stevens

In World of Warcraft, your reputation is really just your experience. Your reputation is split up into quite a number of levels and you must earn reputation points to get through these levels. When you complete certain quests that are assigned by the faction this will usually increase your reputation with that faction.

Most of the factions will then assign you repeatable quests that you can do to increase your reputation even more. The vast majority of these quests will be seeking and killing monsters and baddies which are referred to as mobs. The level of these quests equates to how much reputation you will receive of the total given reward. Colored quests such as orange, green, yellow and red will give you full reputation for that distinct quest, however the gray quest gives a decreasing return on your level compared to that quest level. Will now, what is a faction, a faction is a race, or organization or group of players that exist in Warcraft.

Something that has changed from the past reputation rules is the fact that you can gain full reputation points with your higher level characters even when you do a very easy quest, say, killing a lower level mob. Some other things to consider: Reputation earned with one certain faction can spillover into other allied factions. This is the term given to the effect seen when reputation gain in one faction will raise your reputation in all or some of the other factions. Not all of the quests remit spillover, and not every quest with spillover is confined to factions. Spillover is related entirely to the quest or mob giving the reputation. This is called rippling.

You cannot gain reputation in an opposing faction. You can increase your reputation faster when get together with other players that are fighting the same mob. Your reputation can also be reduced, this will depend on your level compared to the quest or mob.

Reputation increases in World of Warcraft are to be looked at as a constant evolution. As soon as you start playing the game you will need to start the process of trying to increase your reputation by doing all the quests to increase your reputation in the factions that you have targeted. If you jump past the reputation quests and the low level earning mobs, you will end up doing more of the repeatable type quests in the future, and those quests can get very boring and laborious.

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