Saturday, January 2, 2010

How Forever Laid Helped Me Get Back In The Game

By Henry Blanc

After twenty years of marriage, I found myself single again after my wife and I divorced. I was never one of those husbands that ran around on my wife and I had no idea how to start dating again or even how to meet women. I tried going out to clubs, but I felt self conscious and most of the people in the clubs were a lot younger. None of my friends would go with me because they were all still married.

I'm tall and skinny and kind of awkward, especially around women. I was kind of lonely, but I just couldn't figure out what to say. Then a friend told me about Forever Laid. Well, I thought it probably wouldn't work for me, but I was feeling a little desperate, so I went ahead and ordered it. It's really great that you can download it right away. I looked it over and I thought at least I'll know what to say if I see a nice woman.

Any way, a couple of days after I signed up I met a really hot girl. She was a lot younger than me and I was a little nervous about approaching her, but I thought about what I'd learned and decided to give it a try. It was amazing! She agreed to meet me for a drink and we ended up at my apartment. Wow!

It's amazing how well this works. I saw the young lady again, but I was so thrilled with how well the strategies in this book worked, I tried it again a couple of weeks later, and it worked again! I never thought I could enjoy being divorced, but I'm having a great time. Every time I see a woman that interests me, I put what I learned to work, and most of the time, it works.

This is absolutely incredible. It's not like I'm some hot young stud, I'm just an average guy and I'm 42. I'm an accountant, not exactly a romantic line of work. I'm not rich, especially since the divorce. I never thought that I could score like this, but it just keeps getting better and better. My married friends envy me now. When ever they see me, I'm with a different hot woman. Some of them are fifteen years younger than I am.

Life just doesn't get better than this. I'm living every guy's dream. I wasn't this popular in high school or college. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be able to date any woman I wanted. It's just so easy with the things I learned from. I feel great and so confident in myself that I know I can't fail. Every divorced guy should try this. You can live the fantasy.

It feels so good to know that I can have almost any woman I set my sights on. I'm no movie star and I thought that women were mostly interested in looks and money, but that's not true. This book will tell you what women really want. Once you know what women want, you know how to please them and the rest is easy. I don't worry about sex anymore, it's there when I want it. If you're single or divorced and you hate being alone, you have nothing to lose by trying this out. You just have to work on the methods a bit and be willing to take a chance and go after your lady.

This is the best money I've ever spent. If I meet the right lady, I might get married again, but right now I'm having the time of my life. I can't say enough about Forever Laid. I wish I'd known about this fifteen years ago when I was in college. It would have made the experience a lot more fun.

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