Thursday, January 28, 2010

Online Casino Gambling ' Fun Without Leaving Your House

Every now and then, we all get the itch to go out and try our chances at gambling. Depending on where you live, the weather is not always accommodating and going out is more of a hassle. With online casino gambling, the weather will never be a factor again because all of the fun of the casino is at your fingertips.

A quick search on the internet will bring up countless websites that can be accessed for online casinos. The majority of these are individual websites and have no connections to your local casino. If you search for your nearest casino, you can sign up with them and possibly receive even more bonuses for playing online and in the casino.

If you have a certain game you play the most, there are websites set up for those games. There are numerous websites for poker and all the versions of poker, for example. By going to a site dedicated directly to your game of choice, you will be able to do all of the things involved with these games such a play in tournaments and take advantage of any offers available.

To play online, you can play for free or you can play for money. To play for free, you will play with pretend money and you will not win anything. Each time you come back, your money count will be the same and your previous money counts will not be saved. When you play for money, you will initially have to pay to play. If you win, you get to keep the money you win. If you lose, you will have to pay more money if you run out.

Once you find a site you like, you can partake in the events that are offered. These could be things such a celebrity games, tournaments and things of that nature. If you play on your site of choice long enough, the more opportunities you will have to be invited to these events.

These websites can also make a great way to meet people. When you are in a game, you can talk with people. People all over the world can play these websites so you can meet different people. You can even set up games and meet your friends there.

Casino gambling is a fun way to spend some time. If you do not want to leave your house, there is online casino gambling. There are numerous websites to choose from. The hardest part will be deciding on which one to play on.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Online Casino Gambling ' Many Sites, Many Games

We all have different things we do to fill our spare time. Some of us read, some of us watch television and some of us like to gamble. Not all of us like to leave the comfort of our home to go gamble so online casino gambling is the perfect solution. This allows you to stay home and play your game right from your couch.

There are numerous websites available for online gambling. You can play many different sites or pick the site that is your favorite. Sometimes your local casino will have a website you can go to. If you sign up, you will be able to track what you play with them and may qualify for their reward program.

With the numerous amounts of websites available for gambling, there are sites that have all the games on them and then there are sites for specific games. You can go to a site for the game of your choice and never have to mess with the additional games and all that goes with them.

There are two different ways to play online. You can play for money or you can play for free. When you play for free, you truly are playing for the fun of the game. Most often you will not be playing for any winnings. There may be cash prizes from time to time but these are rare and not to be expected. When you play for money, you will have to pay to play. If you win money during your game, you will get to keep that money to either cash out or use it later on when playing. The downfall to playing with money is that if you run out of money, you will have to pay more to play again. How you play will depend on your personal preference.

After you have been playing for awhile and have a preferred site that you frequent, you will be able to play in the special events that are available. These could be events such as tournaments, high-stakes games or V. I. P. Games. After you know of these sites, you will know when to expect them and when they are offered.

Since these websites are available all day everyday, there is ample opportunity to meet people from all over the world every time you log on to play. You and your friends can even make times to meet up and play in a game room together. These can be great places to have lots of fun.

Online casino gambling is a great way to get in your casino games and never have to leave your home. It is fun and can make you some money if done right.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Where And How To Find Good Casino Bonuses ' A Few Tips To Get You Started

There is probably nothing in history that revolutionized the casino industry in a way the Internet has done. For the first time ever anyone can now play casino games without even leaving his home. No surprise then that the number of Internet casinos has grown steadily during the past decade and right now you can pick and choose from a large number of them. Where and how to find good casino bonuses ? Read on.....

The first place you should be looking for great bonuses is among the many new casinos that are springing up like mushrooms all over the Internet. These guys need customers and they are often willing to give lucrative bonuses to anyone who is willing to sign up with them.

Make a list of the best ones, compare them and then make your final choice.

A brief search on Google rewarded us with a list of casinos offering amazing bonus structures. Some of them even give a 500% introductory bonus. If your first deposit is therefore $100, they will match your deposit with $500 of their own. This is of course done in the hope that you will become a regular customer, but it's still an outstanding deal.

You should also be on the lookout for casinos offering referral bonuses. Whenever you refer one of your friends to them, they give you a bonus. This is a great way to keep earn a bonus on a regular basis, simply by chatting to your friends and colleagues and explaining to them how online gambling works and then referring them to the website.

There's also a huge number of online casinos that have a loyalty system. What this means is that every time you gamble, they will award you with bonus points. These points will accumulate over time and once they reach a specified amount, you can either use them to play more games or often you can just convert them into cash. If you therefore have two otherwise identical casinos on your list, one with such a system and one without, you shouldn't think twice about which one to choose.

As with all other agreements you will sign in you life, you should also read the fine print in this case. Not all bonus structures are the same. Some of them come with an expiry date ' if you don't use it you lose it. Others require you to always keep a certain minimum balance in your account. Still others require that you spend a certain amount of your own money before qualifying. Where and how to find good casino bonuses is therefore a matter of doing your homework and sifting the good from the bad.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do You Want To Try A Telepathy Test?

By Rickie Evans

To measure an individuals psychic abilities there are numerous telepathy test available. However, there is an element of luck in many of these tests. But over a period of time and many trials, the results will show your telepathic abilities. And alleviate any guessing as to your ability.

Some of these tests are simply to test you for psychic ability and others were designed to measure the range of you ability and its strength.

It is best to keep in mind that all of the telepathic skill-set includes ESP, precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance. And developing one may lead to an increase in other powers of telepathy by default.

It's possible to access your own sub-conscious using meditation and deep breathing exercises that help to open your mind and expand your focus. These exercises can often help you access more aspects of your psychic and telepathic skills and help to develop that part of your mind responsible for these skills.

Regardless of the range of your physic and telepathic abilities now, you can both strengthen the range of your abilities and develop your psychic talents further. A telepathy test will help you to decided where improvement is needed in your current skills.

Solo Telepathy Test

One quick way to test your telepathy skills is to predict who's calling when the phone rings. Do not look at your caller ID, if you have one. Before you answer the call take a moment to concentrate and think about who may want to talk to you.

Make a decisive guess and then answer the phone. Over the next several phone calls you receive, measure your results. This can give you an indication of your level of telepathic ability.

Many people have reported knowing they knew who it was before they answered the phone. This is, however, on a unconscious level. You can learn to take this ability and focus on it, consciously, over time.

Quick Psychic Test

It is sometimes possible for you to test your psychic ability using a simple prop. A coin for instance. Most important is find a quiet place to sit. Before you begin the test, make sure there will be no interruptions. No TV's or any sudden unexpected sounds.

Relax and clear your mind by taking a little time to exercise. Do deep breathing, this will help to relax you. After this you take a coin and toss it in the air and predict which side it will land on. Heads or tails. Mark your results after several attempts.

You have a 50/50 chance of making a correct guess. However, any score over 50% might show a definite psychic ability that can be developed further.

One Basic Telepathy Test

The simplest form of testing for telepathy are the cards. Two people would be needed to use the form of testing with psychic flash cards.

Choose a quiet location where you can both concentrate without interruptions and sit facing each other. One person needs to be the sender and the other will be the receiver. The person you've chosen to be the sender needs to send an image of the picture on the flash card without allowing the receiver to see the card directly.

This test may need a lot of practice by the sender to concentrate and focus on the image they want the receiver to pick up.

The person receiving the images should concentrate on any impressions they see in their mind's eye. Never try to second-guess the impressions you see. Just say the first thing that comes into your head.

Record your responses over the entire pack of flash cards. Your results should take into account an element of luck, as there will be some responses that could be lucky guesses. However, a high incidence of correct answers could indicate a latent psychic ability that could be developed with a little patience.

But keeping in mind this is not always the best test to use for telepathy abilities. Because this other individual's level of psychic ability may be weak and they may not send you strong images. The results may not be good because of this.

Here is An Intermediate Telepathy Test

Once you notice your results beginning to improve with the basic telepathy test, you should increase your range a little. The easiest way to do this would be to conduct the basic telepathy card test, but sit in separate rooms and use a speaker phone or baby monitor or any other device where you can verify what images the receiving person sees.

Again, patients and some practice will be needed. It is sometimes more difficult to send images over distances. It's more difficult to pick images up with the possibility of outside interference between sender and receiver.

You can use any one of the many telepathy tests available to test for the presence of psychic abilities, practice and build the strength of your telepathic skills. Find a telepathy test that works well for you in your schedule and also one that you are most comfortable with.

About the Author:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where And How To Find Good Casino Bonuses ' The Tricks Of The Trade

The Internet had a massive impact on the casino industry. For the first time in history people could suddenly gamble from the comfort of their own home. The number of online casinos has proliferated over the past couple of years, and right now it's a player's market. Don't select a casino if they don't offer an excellent bonus structure. In this article we would like to show you where and how to find good casino bonuses.

The most likely place where you will get an excellent bonus is with fairly new online casinos. These guys are operating in a very competitive market and they use the bonus structure to attract new customers.

The best would be to make a list of all the online casinos you can find, and write down their bonus structure. Then choose the one that gives the best bonuses.

A short online search has revealed that some casinos will give you a 'match' bonus where they will match your first deposit with a bonus of 500% of that deposit ' up to a certain maximum. Of course they do this in the hope of making you a loyal player, but it remains a good deal.

Another way to find nice bonuses is to locate one that has a refer-a-friend bonus system. They will give you a good bonus if you refer one of your friends to them. This way you could be earning bonuses forever ' just by talking to your friends and telling them about how much fun you're having at the casino - and of course by mentioning that you have made great wins recently.

Many online casinos also offer loyalty programs. Before you sign up with a specific casino, you should therefore check out if they have such a program. Every time you play you will earn points and eventually you will be able to either redeem it for cash or use it for more games. If two casinos are otherwise identical, but one has a loyalty program and the other not, you will know what to do!

Read the fine print before signing up with a casino. Not all the bonus structures are the same. Very often they have expiry dates. If you don't spend a certain amount of money from your own funds within a certain period, you will lose the bonus. Sometimes they only pay out if you have a certain minimum amount in your account. Where and how to find good casino bonuses is therefore a matter of keeping your eyes open and always be on the lookout for a good deal.

Wedding Photography - The History

By Catherine Mitchell

Wedding period is always tiresome and stressful. It is already tough on those who are planning the wedding, but the maximum stress goes to the bride and the groom. For years, people have just surrendered to the fact that weddings will ever be stressful and that they just have to deal with it to the best of their abilities

However, several expert service providers who have expertise in planning weddings have come into existence, so that you don't have to lose sleep over how things will be managed on your wedding day. These services make sure that you can fully enjoy what would probably be the most important day of your life. One such professional example is pre-wedding photography.

Most specialists trace the origin of pre-wedding photography to Singapore about 10 years back. However, other similar forms of photography have been in existence in some parts of the world even before that. Pre-wedding pictures of couples have been clicked for a long time by amateur photographers in many parts of Europe & the US, but with the emergence of pre-wedding photography as a full-fledged professional service, couples across the globe have caught a fancy for this custom. Clear best practices have been laid down in this new profession, and nowadays it is not tough at all for you to find a photographer experienced in pre-wedding photography.

Why pre-wedding photography originated is quite easy to understand. People have invariably felt the need for a service that could ease the burden on couples on their day of wedding. Couples have begun to strongly adhere importance to the fact that a wedding day is one in which they should also make merry to their heart's content. On your wedding day, you must be relieved of all heavy commitments & responsibilities that use up your precious time & prevent you from having fun on the occasion.

Furthermore, by going for pre-wedding photography, you also decrease the chances of things going wrong on the wedding day. The last thing you would want is adverse weather or any other unforeseen factors ruining all your wedding pictures.

Pre-wedding photography services are today being offered by many reputed photography service providers, and this is being immensely welcomed by people. No matter where you live, these services are getting well known by the day, & are becoming a regular feature at weddings.

Presently, well established wedding photographers will forever recommend you to go for this service without giving it a second thought. The lensman would be able to recommend a good venue, would take care of all the arrangements, & would also be willing to provide for any special requests that you may have.

About the Author:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Play Online Slots For Money And Fun

Today the internet has made it possible to do so many things from home. Some people not only work from home, but they also do all their shopping and most of their entertainment from home. It is actually possible to accomplish most of your life's tasks on the internet these days. This is also true for some non-necessary tasks like gambling. If you like the adrenaline rush that comes from playing gambling games such as blackjack or slots, you can do that online. There are games and groups that you can join all over the internet. Especially if it is difficult for you to leave your home, if your work schedule leaves you free at odd hours of the day, or if you live far out in the country, learning how to play online slots can be a great way to enjoy the excitement of the casino without actually having to go to one.

First of all, with any type of gambling, you need to know how much you can lose. Look for a site that either lets you play for free or a site that lets you transfer money into an account.

Don't go to a site that says it will take money directly from your debit or credit card.

Not only will this mean that you might end up spending more than you want to, but some of those kinds of sides are actually fraudulent. They could take your credit card number and scam you. You simply have to be careful.

Once you find a few sites that you like because of their security measures and you have your spending limit, you want to find a site that is the most fun.

For some people, colorful graphics and interesting sounds make the game fun. Don't worry, there are plenty of themed online slot games out there for you to enjoy. Other people like to gamble for a large jackpot. Check out the winning combinations for each game.

Some games even have progressive jackpots in which the big payout rises and rises as more people put their money into that slot. With these games, even though the payout is bigger, the chances of winning it are smaller. As long as you figure out what you want before you start to play and make sure that the site you are using is legitimate there is nothing stopping you from learning how to play online slots.

Selecting The Right Adobe CS4 Design Training In Detail

By Jason Kendall

There are a range of options available for people who'd like to find a job in the computer industry. For assistance in selecting one that will suit you, look at organisations with advisors who can help you to work out which career will match your personal profile, as well as explaining the details of the job, in order for you to know it's the right one for you.

The courses range from Microsoft User Skills up to Web Design, Databases, Programming and Networking. There's a lot to choose from and so the chances are you'll want to talk through your options with an industry expert prior to making your choice: it would be awful to start the wrong training for an area that you don't enjoy!

You'll now see several user-friendly and sensibly priced options available that furnish you with all you require.

Many people question why qualifications from colleges and universities are being overtaken by more qualifications from the commercial sector?

The IT sector is of the opinion that to cover the necessary commercial skill-sets, certified accreditation from such organisations as Microsoft, CISCO, Adobe and CompTIA is far more effective and specialised - for considerably less.

Academic courses, as a example, clog up the training with vast amounts of loosely associated study - and much too wide a syllabus. This holds a student back from learning the core essentials in sufficient depth.

What if you were an employer - and you required somebody who had very specific skills. What should you do: Pore through reams of different degrees and college qualifications from various applicants, having to ask what each has covered and which commercial skills they have, or select a specialised number of commercial certifications that precisely match your needs, and make your short-list from that. Your interviews are then about personal suitability - instead of having to work out if they can do the job.

We need to make this very clear: Always get full 24x7 instructor and mentor support. You will have so many problems later if you don't follow this rule rigidly.

Look for training where you can receive help at any time you choose (irrespective of whether it's the wee hours on Sunday morning!) Ensure you get direct access to tutors, and not simply some messaging service that means you're constantly waiting for a call-back - probably during office hours.

Top training companies have many support offices around the globe in several time-zones. By utilising an interactive interface to provide a seamless experience, any time of the day or night, help is at hand, with no hassle or contact issues.

Don't accept second best when it comes to your support. Many IT hopefuls that can't get going properly, just need the right support system.

Make sure that all your exams are current and also valid commercially - don't bother with programmes that lead to in-house certificates.

To an employer, only the big-boys like Microsoft, CompTIA, Adobe or Cisco (as an example) will get you into the interview seat. Anything less won't make the grade.

Working on progressive developments in new technology gives you the best job satisfaction ever. You personally play your part in shaping the next few decades.

We've only just begun to scrape the surface of how technology will affect our lives in the future. Technology and the web will massively alter how we see and interrelate with the world around us over the years to come.

Always remember that the average salary in IT across the UK is considerably greater than average salaries nationally, therefore you will probably receive noticeably more in the IT sector, than you would in most typical jobs.

Because the IT market sector is still growing year on year, it's predictable that the search for well trained and qualified IT technicians will continue to boom for years to come.

About the Author:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Poker Tactics You Should Know About

If you are a newcomer to the exciting world of poker you are in for a treat. This game can bring hours of entertainment. It does not take long to catch on to the game. To increase winning hands you will need good poker tactics to become a key player in the game. People do not win because they are lucky. Here are some tricks that can help.

There are a variety of poker games to use you acquired knowledge in. Texas Hold 'em is popular. There are stud games, like five card and seven card stud to play. There are even wild card poker games where deuces and a joker may be wild.

One of the first tips is not to let players know what you are thinking. You want to be careful not to give any clues that may hurt your game. Let the players wonder how you are playing. It will be hard for them to figure your strategic thinking if you are quiet.

Some of the give-away signs that are picking up your cards and placing them back down constantly. This signifies you are uncertain of your cards or your bet on the table. Biting fingernails, batting eyes, shifting eyes, shaking your leg can all be a sign of being nervous.

Good poker tactics involve taking risks. If there is a possibility of a good hand, hang in there. Many people make mistakes of folding to fast and too often. Once you fold the hand there is no going back. Take chances. That is how you will win. Plus, it will build your confidence and skill level in the game.

When you have these good poker tactics under your belt and feel comfortable it is time to move to the next phase of studying the other players. Look for signs. Learn their expressions when they are folding, winning, and bluffing.

The last pieces of advice in learning good poker tactics is not to rush. Being patient, in regards to folding, raising or bluffing can be an asset. When you jump and raise stakes without thought, you will have more losses and regrets than wins. Many players in online chat rooms are talkative making it easy to lose concentration or plays that took place in the game. Being friends and talkative will reduce your skill and lower your chances of being effective at winning in this game. When you practice these tips you will see a difference in your game.

Government Ban On Biker Colors In Bars !

By L.J. James

There is a new law in Virginia that will ban Motorcycle Club Colors in Bars. The law, originally aimed at Street Gangs, is causing quite a stir with Virginia Bikers. The law states that Bar & Restaurant owners will lose their liquor license if they allow patrons who wear "gang" related attire such as Club Logo's or Colored Bandannas.

These sort of "grey area" laws are extremely dangerous and a threat to everyone's freedom. Who decides what constitutes "Gang Apparel"? I'm wondering if Boy Scouts are going to be able to eat together at Applebees if they are in their uniforms.

According to news reports, many Bikers and Motorcycle Club Members in Virginia have already begun fighting this law. If a law like this is allowed to stand in Virginia, it won't be long until it is passed in other states across America!

We as Motorcyclists and Bikers (It does not matter what you call yourself) have to realize fast that we are all connected. It doesn't matter what you ride, what State you live in or who you Support, we're all in this together. What effects Me effects you and it doesn't matter what you happen to think of me.

When the local Bar you and your Brothers love hanging out at is told that you and all other members of Motorcycle Clubs can no longer go there or they will revoke the Bars liquor license, What then?

This is no Joke my Biker Brothers, every month there is another new law that is aimed not only Motorcycle Club Members, but all Americans. It seems that every time the Government wants to take away a freedom, they find a way to craft a new law for our "safety". What kind of Country is this turning into when you can't wear what you want and suddenly, your constitutional right to assemble is taken away from you?

Although there are many ignorant people out there that believe Motorcycle Clubs are Gangs, that's simply not the case. Most Motorcycle Clubs are made up of hard working, honest, law abiding, patriotic, American Citizens who enjoy a common bond, Motorcycles. It's what is in a persons heart that determines who they are, not the clothes they wear.

In the past year the government has taken away the Colors of one Motorcycle Club. A law enforcement officer can demand anyone sporting the Clubs logo to forfeit it. The theory is that the loss of the logo strips the club of its "gang identity."

Grant it, it appears that some of the Clubs members may have been involved in illegal activities, but that doesn't mean that everyone who rides a Motorcycle should be punished for it. In fact, less than 10% of this 600 Member Club was even accused of wrong doing.

In addition, the Government and law enforcement agencies have been spending millions of our dollars to influence friends and ex-members of Motorcycle Clubs in an effort to infiltrate these clubs in hopes of catching members doing something illegal. Often, when they find that the Club they've infiltrated is nothing more than a group of Patriotic, Law Abiding Men & Women, they'll fabric wrong doing so that they can justify the enormous amount of resources spent on these Fishing Expeditions.

Just imagine how much better off we'd all be if they used those resources to investigate the Corrupt Politicians, the Corporations that control our Country, Wall Street, and the other issues that are quickly sinking this great Nation.

What I want to know is, what will be the last straw? What's it going to take for us to say enough is enough? We can not fight these Laws and Fight each other at the same time! We need to work together to save what we are, who we are.

The Government has taken away our rights to ride the Motorcycle we want, to wear what we want and now to go where we want! Why are we still fighting each other? When are we going to wake up??

For more on this story check out the story on

I am your Bro, LJ James Saying Time is Running out!!!

About the Author:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cisco Training In Your Own Home Compared

By Jason Kendall

If you're looking for training in Cisco, then a CCNA is most probably what you're looking for. The Cisco training is intended for individuals who wish to understand and work with routers and network switches. Routers connect computer networks to another collection of computer networks over dedicated lines or the internet.

The kind of jobs requiring this knowledge mean the chances are you'll work for national or international companies that are spread out geographically but need their computer networks to talk to each other. Or, you may move on to joining an internet service provider. Both types of jobs command good salaries.

Getting your Cisco CCNA is perfectly sufficient to start with; don't be cajoled into attempting your CCNP. Once you've got a few years experience behind you, you will have a feel for whether you need to train up to this level. If so, your experience will serve as the background you require to take on your CCNP - which is quite a hard qualification to acquire - and mustn't be entered into casually.

A lot of training companies only provide basic 9am till 6pm support (maybe a little earlier or later on certain days); very few go late in the evening or at weekends.

Beware of institutions who use call-centres 'out-of-hours' - with the call-back coming in during office hours. It's no use when you're stuck on a problem and could do with an answer during your scheduled study period.

The best trainers utilise several support facilities around the globe in several time-zones. An online system provides an interactive interface to seamlessly link them all together, irrespective of the time you login, help is at hand, with no hassle or contact issues.

Never make the mistake of compromise when it comes to your support. The majority of would-be IT professionals that can't get going properly, would have had a different experience if they'd got the right support package in the first place.

The market provides an excess of work available in IT. Picking the right one in this uncertainty is a mammoth decision.

Perusing a list of odd-sounding and meaningless job titles is no use whatsoever. The vast majority of us have no concept what our own family members do for a living - let alone understand the subtleties of any specific IT role.

Consideration of several areas is vital if you want to expose the right answers:

* Personalities play an important part - what things get your juices flowing, and what are the areas that put a frown on your face.

* What time-frame are you looking at for your training?

* How highly do you rate salary - is it the most important thing, or is job satisfaction higher up on your priority-list?

* Considering the huge variation that computing covers, you really need to be able to take in what is different.

* You'll also need to think hard about what kind of effort and commitment you're going to give to your education.

For the average person, getting to the bottom of these areas requires a good chat with someone that knows what they're talking about. And we don't just mean the certifications - you also need to understand the commercial needs and expectations besides.

A question; why should we consider commercial qualifications as opposed to traditional academic qualifications gained through schools, colleges or universities?

As we require increasingly more effective technological know-how, the IT sector has moved to the specialised core-skills learning only available through the vendors themselves - in other words companies such as Microsoft, CISCO, Adobe and CompTIA. This frequently provides reductions in both cost and time.

Many degrees, for example, become confusing because of a lot of background study - with much too broad a syllabus. Students are then prevented from getting enough core and in-depth understanding on a specific area.

In simple terms: Authorised IT qualifications give employers exactly what they're looking for - the title is a complete giveaway: i.e. I am a 'Microsoft Certified Professional' in 'Designing Security for a Windows 2003 Network'. Therefore employers can identify just what their needs are and what certifications are required to perform the job.

A study programme must provide a nationally accepted exam as an end-result - and not some unimportant 'in-house' diploma - fit only for filing away and forgetting.

All the major commercial players like Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe or CompTIA all have nationally recognised proficiency programmes. Huge conglomerates such as these will make your CV stand-out.

About the Author:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Twenty20 Cricket Fever - Are You Ready For IPL 3 ?

By Renita D'Souza

If you are a Die-Hard fan of the modernized cricket and you enjoyed the glamour & excitement that came along with the Indian Premier League - Then you have a reason to cheer about. The most anticipated IPL is back to make the country go crazy in 2010.

There are 97 players who have registered for the IPL 2010 auction. The list of players includes a maximum of 26 players from Pakistan, 17 from Sri Lanka, 12 from South Africa, 9 from New Zealand, 9 from Australia, 8 from West Indies, 8 from England, 2 from Bangladesh, 2 from Zimbabwe, 2 from Canada, 1 Ireland and 1 from the Netherlands. The players will be listed in the January 19th auction if the franchises express interest in them. Last year in 2009, out of 100 that registered 50 were in auction.

Several individuals and companies have shown a growing interest in owning IPL teams, such as actors Ajay Devgan, Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt, and the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group.

Bidders will be will be allowed to bid for any number of cities & will be offered a choice of 8 to 10 cities that can be made their home team venues and they . The highest two bids will be chosen and companies will use the name of that city as their home base and sport their team brand.

The final schedule of IPL 2010 which is to be played in India has been announced. The first match will be held between the Kolkata Knight Riders & the defending champions Deccan Chargers. The IPL 2010 will begin on 12th March and the final match will be on 25th April, 2010. This time no new teams will be added but new players including the former ICL players will be available for auction for IPL 3. A few new venues - Vishakapatnam, Ahmedabad and Dharamsala have been added apart from the existing 8 home venues of each of the teams.

Initially, the craze started when top Industrialists like Mukesh Ambani and Celebrities like Shah Rukh khan participated in the auction and successfully won the bids for owning franchises in the Indian Premier League. The Mumbai team was successfully bid for an astonishing amount of $111.9 million or Rs. 503.5 Crores by Reliance Industries' Chairman Mukesh Ambani. The highest amount in this auction was for the Mumbai team. The next highest was for the Bangalore team which was successfully bid for $111.6 million or Rs. 502.2 Crores by the liquor king Vijay Malaya.

This huge amount of money was never seen in the history of cricket. The prize money announced was three times the prize money of a cricket world cup. This is the main reason why the cricketers from all around the world are trying to make their place in the Indian Premier League. IPL has managed to squash everything in its way & create history in the world of cricket.

Cricket is considered to be more like a religion in India than just a sport. And the God of cricket is here. So it's going to be yet another season full of enthusiasm, excitement, glamour, & fun. It is going to be a success story all over again. So gear yourself up and get ready for IPL 2010. The pre- IPL craze says it all. You surely wouldn't want to miss it, would you?

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Common Sports Betting Futures Mistakes To Avoid

By Ross Everett

Betting on sports 'futures' is an enjoyable and potentially profitable way to wager, but there are several potential risks that can lead to losses. Here's a rundown of things to avoid:

You gotta shop around: More specifically, you have to 'shop points' just as you would with a straight bet. This is crucial in all forms of sports betting but particularly key with futures wagers. There are often greater variances in the prices from book to book on future plays than any other type of wagering proposition. The reason for this is simple--most books are less concern with what the 'other guys' are doing as they are with keeping their own position 'in balance'. All in all, the sports betting marketplace just doesn't react as quickly to changing futures prices as it does to individual game lines.

Don't try to pick the winner in a competitive marketplace: This may sound sort of counter intuitive since the general idea of betting on futures is to determine the actual winner but it's really not. Like everything else, its essential to always be mindful of the value you're getting. In a futures market with several legitimate contenders at the top the price offered is seldom high enough to properly compensate for the risk you're assuming. Here's an example: in a hypothetical NCAA hoops tournament Duke is +200 to win the national championship. They've certainly got a shot, but at a payback of only 2/1 its hard to justify a wager at this point with the potential for so many interceding events that can make a championship more problematic. Such events as injuries, a tough tournament draw or even just going into a slump at the wrong time can happen to any team but when you bet a higher priced team--a 'dark horse mid major at 15/1 for example--you're getting "compensation" for assuming the "risks" of betting on a proposition with so many unknown variables.

To put this in more theoretical terms, the "true odds" of Duke winning the NCAA Championship are almost certainly higher than the price we're getting. Obviously, determining the "true odds", or actual probability of a future event is an inexact science but think of it this way: if the NCAA tournament was played 100 times would Duke wind up winning 50 of those? Given the number of other good teams and the propensity for upsets along the way, its doubtful. For the sake of argument, lets say that Duke has a 33% chance to win the tournament. That means that I wouldn't consider a bet on Duke to be a good value unless I was getting a price that a) accurately reflected the true probability of their winning and b) gave me some compensation for assuming the "risk of the unknown" inherent in taking the position so far in advance. At +500 I might be interested, but at +200 the value just isn't there.

Note that the more competitive the market, the more difficult it is to find good value on the favorites. Since you can make a case for quite a few teams to win the NCAA tournament at this point this particular futures market is clearly a very competitive one. In a less competitive marketplace it might be possible to "pick the winner" and have it be a good value though you will pay a price for this. Here's a (thankfully) hypothetical example: let's say the UFC decided to hold a one night round robin tournament with 5 competitors. Competitor #1 would be heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar. The other four competitors would be professional figure skaters Elvis Stojko, Rudy Gallindo, Brian Boitano and Evgeni Plushinko. Even if he didn't bring his "A game", Lesnar would be essentially have a 100% certainty of beating the four untrained fighters, who also happen to be rather effeminate. If a sportsbook installed Lesnar as a -1000 favorite a bet on the 63 265 pound takedown would still be theoretically a good value. It's always difficult to risk so much to win a little, but from a strictly theoretical standpoint its a good play.

Don't get seduced by big underdogs: Sports betting is not a place to make the "big killing". It may happen occasionally, but more often it doesn't. While a sports book might offer a huge price on a cellar dwelling team to win the World Series, the big payback does not mean its a good value. On a practical level, there's probably nothing wrong with throwing a few bucks on a wager like this with a huge payback if the impossible occurs. My only problem with this is that making too many bets like this just perpetuates bad sports betting habits. If you're strictly a recreational player, no big deal. If you aspire to bet professionally, or at least want to pursue it with some degree of seriousness I've always maintained that you need to develop discipline that's not situational. In other words, if you want to be a serious sports bettor you need to approach it with a consistent level of seriousness at all times. If you want to chase a huge, life altering jackpot go to Las Vegas and play the Megabucks slots or buy a Powerball ticket.

Simply stated, the concept of value works the same at the bottom of the wagering ladder as it does at the top. Even if you're betting a big underdog at a huge price make sure that it accurately reflects the 'true odds' of the event occurring.

Don't waste your money on ridiculous prop bets: Occasionally sports books offer ridiculous bets to get press or to be funny. For example, a book once offered odds on Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Bruce Willis all hopping into bed together and releasing a video tape of the proceedings. You'd no doubt get a huge payback were this to happen, but the 'true odds' of such an event transpiring far exceeded even a big potential payback.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Learn How To Play Online Slots

What's wonderful about today's technology is the way that it brings so many activities right into your home. For instance, you can work from home. But it doesn't end there. You can also do all your shopping from groceries to books online. You can also have a lot of fun online. There are tons of entertainment options, such as social networking, videos, blogs, and even games. One of the best innovations in the world of online entertainment is online gambling. That means that if you like the gamble but can't get out to a casino either because of the distance or time constrains posed by your job, you could still have a lot of fun playing gambling games. Really, no matter what type of casino activity trips your trigger, you should find it online. For instance, if you want to learn how to play online slots it is really just a few clicks away.

The first thing you are going to want to do when you start to play the slots online is to protect your money. You need to make sure that you only play with what you could afford to lose. You also need to make sure that the site you will be using is legitimate and won't defraud you as you play.

Because of these reasons, it is best to look for a site that lets you deposit money into a fixed account. That way you don't draw down your credit card as you play, or worse yet, let an unscrupulous site have access to your personal information.

Once you know that you are playing safely, the next thing you have to do is make sure that the site your looking on is going to be fun for you.

Check out the different types of slot machines and see if they have good graphics and sound effects.

This will make for a better playing environment. Also, you should check out what kind of jackpots are available on the site. For instance, some slots have a fixed jackpot.

Others are progressive and get larger and larger the more people play. These slots can be likened to a state lottery. No matter what site you finally land on just make sure that it's safe and what you are looking for. In no time, you'll find that learning how to play online slots is a lot like playing them in real time.

Fitness Rowing Machines For Sale

By Kirst Frangs

Fitness Rowing Machines are an excellent way to get fit, get into shape and enjoy your workout at the same time, all without injuring your joints. There are many rowing machines for sale that are perfect for a home gym. What you decide to get in the end will depend on your budget, your space and your fitness goals.

Rowing was my life back when I was in college. I rowed for 4 years in total and started out a total beginner who was overweight and very unfit. I was amazed (as was my family) at how quickly I got into shape without an injury and how much I enjoyed it. Fifty percent of our training was in the gym on the ergometers. At first I thought they were easy to use, but that's because I didn't know the proper technique, but once I learned how to use them, I gained the full benefits of a total body workout.

But, today we are not going to learn how to use a rowing machine or the benefits of the rowing machines, because I am sure you already know them. Instead we are going to take a peek into which rowing machine might be good for you and why.

Basically rowing machines for sale are divided into two categories. The main difference between the 2 is with the handle mechanism. The first type of rower machine has 2 metal arms that move in a semi circular arc as you pull on them. The second category has a handle attached to a nylon rope or string which then passes through a fly wheel. These are the ones that you usually see in the gym. So what are the real differences for when you use the machine?

The machine with the fixed metal bars sets the position of your arms and hands. The rowing action is not as fluid or natural. The rowing machine with the flywheel mechanism lets you decide where to hold your arms throughout the stroke. Both groups have a seat which slides up and down the bar, and fixed foot position into which you tie your feet.

The concept two rowing machines model the exact action of rowing. They are also top quality and last for a long time. That is obviously why you find them in gyms, high schools and sports centers. They are also a more fluid rowing machine. The more you improve your technique, the more effective you will find this piece of exercise rowing equipment to be. They aren't cheap though but maybe you can find some discounted or used or on sale concept 2 rowing machines. Also look out for brands such as Tunturi, WaterRower,Lifecore and Kettler. They all produce something similar to the concept2 rowing machines.

On the cheaper end of the scale you will find the stamina rowing machines. This brand is the most popular and it's probably because they are trusted and affordable. Make sure you find a model that is compact and can fold away if space is an issue. Also remember that this type of elliptical machine is not a fluid rowing machine and might not satisfy you if you have used Concept Rowing machines in the past.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Learning How To Play Online Slots Is Easy And Fun

One of the great things about the internet is how much it can bring right into your own home. In fact, if you didn't want to go, you probably wouldn't need to leave your house ever. After all, you can work from your own home. You can also chat with friends on your computer. You can even use your computer for shopping for things from electronics to groceries. You now can even entertain yourself using your computer in ways that you never thought possible before. Sure, you could watch videos and play puzzle games, but now you should even learn how to play online slots and enjoy the rush you would feel at a casino with the hassle of driving down to one. It gives you the chance to concentrate solely on the game and not on the extraneous details.

When you start exploring the world of online slots you first need to make sure that you and your money are protected. Most sites are very good and offer you a great place to have some fun online, but there are few unscrupulous sites out there that want to scam unsuspecting people.

In order to make sure that you stay safe, only choose to visit a site that lets you set up an account with them.

Don't give them your credit card number; PayPal is always a better option in these cases. Also, for your own personal benefit, never put more money into your online slot account than any one can afford to lose.

Once you find a few safe sites from which you decide to choose, look for one that has all the bells and whistles that you like. Slots are more enjoyable if you have exciting graphics and music while you are playing. Also, take a look at what kind of jackpots are available.

Some sites have fixed jackpots that are easier to win. Other sites have progressive jackpots that get bigger the more people that play. These sites, however, don't let you win as often.

However, with all of these legitimate sites, know that the computer is playing on the same random algorithm that governs physical slot machines. Your chances of winning overall are exactly the same. As you can see, learning to play online slots only takes a few minutes and should be just as easy and fun as going to a real casino and playing that way.

When You Need Smart Parts Vibe

By Benedict Perez

From a distinguished manufacturer of paintball markers and paintball accessories, the Smart Parts has come up with a new design - the Small Parts Vibe.

The Smart Parts Vibe is an inexpensive paintball marker that was produced and manufactured by the Smart Parts. It has been released at the time where SP1, Ion Xe and the EOS were introduced in the market. This marker is very suitable for beginners in this field of recreation as well to recon players. As the Vibe enables players to save money because of its low price, it also provides them a satisfaction with its performance.

Design. The Vibe is one of the lightest and most quiet electropneumatic guns in the market. It weighs only about 1lb and 11oz with a length of 8.75 inches. Even with the tank and the barrel on it, one can comfortably control the marker.

Along with the comfort, this paintball marker is not just made up of common plastics. It is made up of glass fiver reinforced nylon grip for the frame and the body making it more durable and harder compared to others. It has an aluminum receiver or bolt and is equipped with various firing modes. You can choose from a tournament lock semi auto, the 3-round burst, full-automatic firing mode or you may prefer a semi auto. It may not have an anti-chop eyes but its low force bolt nearly cancels chopping.

The Vibe has a maximum firing rate of 11 bps but can be improved with an upgraded circuit board. Its operating pressure is around 180 psi and works perfectly using CO2, nitrogen or compressed air. Moreover, this paintball gun is protected by Max Flow R Vertical Regulator which makes Smart Parts Vibe perfectly free from the hazardous effect liquid CO2.

Regarding your choice of gas source, it is critical that you have read all the instructions first especially if this is the first time you will be using this marker. When you buy it, the Vibe is set up to use CO2. If you want to use others such as compressed air, you will need to follow these simple instructions. First, you need to open the grip and remove the battery. Second, you need to return the battery inside while pushing down the power button. Third, make sure you will see that the button blinked twice. This tells you that it is now set to HPA mode. Failure to do this instruction will cost you your gas as the Vibe eats it. This is one reason why people think that the Vibe consumes so much gas well actually this paintball marker is quite a gas efficient when set properly.

Maintenance. One good aspect of its design is that the bolt is placed at the back making its cleaning and maintenance quite easy. One just needs to clean their gun regularly and lubricate them, especially after each game. You also need to ensure that your 9v batteries are charged properly. Also, do not forget to return all the parts in its proper places whenever you disassemble or open up your gun.

Upgrades. You may want to change and upgrade your circuit board to improve its rate of fire. You can also change its barrels with any Smart Parts barrel.

Advantages. The Smart Parts Vibe is one cheap gun with quality performance which is perfect for new players or even for those who are not. Costing you for only $140 to $150, it is one great deal you should not miss.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Real Series Slots- Why They're the Best Software

If you take a look at all the casinos online today, the elite companies choose to use Real Series Slots. If you haven't heard of them before you might have heard of Real Time Gaming or RTG. Companies have raved about this software for quite some time and if you're looking for an online gaming experience like no other, it's definitely worth utilizing. You will have plenty of games to choose from, extremely fast payouts, and some of the best customer service out there.

What Should You Expect from Real Series Slot?

One of the biggest benefits you can expect from Real Series Slots is the attention to detail they're casino software offers. Out of all the available choices today, they are considered to be the closest thing to your local casino. The only difference is it's not overcrowded, you can play what you want when you want, and money on gas, food costs, and adult beverage purchases.

Real Series Slots Features

Quick Gaming Experience- Once you're able to start playing, it won't matter if you have the slowest connection out there, or the fastest one. You will be able to enjoy the same benefits either way.

Amazing Look- You will also find that the gaming appeal alone is one way ahead of its time. When you look at the graphics you will see that they are as realistic to a slot machine in the casino near you as possible. This means the same fun and excitement, and with some eye catching animations as well.

Small Cost- Lower denomination slots are also available through the Real Series Slots. So if you only want to play to relieve some stress or just budget your money better, you'll be able to do so with lower cost slots.

Multiple Pay Lines- Having more than one chance to win on each spin is very enticing to some, and if this is the case for you then multiple pay lines will be the best choice. You can find everything from 3 lines to 200 depending on the game.

Other Features

While everything above looks great, there will be additional features on some of the RTG slots like:

- Earning free spins.

- Bonus rounds.

- Progressive Jackpots

Some RTG Slots

If we had to produce a downfall to the RTG type software, it's probably choosing which ones you want to play. Below you will find a few that are popular today:

- Archilees Slot: offers free spin bonuses up to 25 spins at 3x

- Ronin: higher risk game with random bonus round to earn free spins

- Prince of Sherwood: a fun themed game that offers some unique bonus rounds

However, once you get your hands on these you won't want to go back to what you were playing with before. The Real Series Slots are the best choice for anyone looking to play or start their own online casino. Unfortunately, telling you about all the benefits isn't nearly as good as seeing them in action yourself.

NY Jets Rip Hapless Raiders

By Ross Everett

The New York Jets and rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez found a sure fire cure to their recent struggles-a game against the lowly Oakland Raiders. Sanchez passed for--3 yards and a touchdown, plus added a rushing touchdown as New York thumped Oakland 38-0 in the largest regular season shutout win in franchise history. Oakland quarterback JaMarcus Russell continued to struggle, and he passed for just 61 yards with three interceptions before he was benched in favor of Bruce Gradowski.

NFL football betting enthusiasts who took the Jets as -6 road favorites had smooth sailing throughout the game for an easy pointspread cover. The Jets improved to 4-3 against the spread while the Raiders fell to 3-5 against the number. The 38 points scored went OVER the posted total of 34. Both teams have gone UNDER in four of seven games this season. Oakland failed to score a touchdown for the 15th game in the past four seasons.

It was such an effortless game that the only thing that Sanchez had to apologize for was surreptitiously eating a hot dog near the end of the contest:

"I want to apologize for that. I wasn't feeling very good and didn't eat much before the game, so I was feeling a little queasy. Toward the end of the game, I probably should have eaten one of those bars or something, but someone offered a hot dog, so I grabbed it and tried to be discreet about it, but obviously not discreet enough. So I shouldn't have done that, and it won't happen again."

The Jets capitalized on three early Raiders' turnovers and started two of their first three drives inside the five yardline. Sanchez praised the defense for making his job easy:

"It makes it so easy on the offense when your defense is playing like that. Hats off to them, they had a heck of a game to shut that team out. I don't care who we're playing, that's a big-time accomplishment for our team."

Jets' coach Rex Ryan was very pleased with Sanchez's performance:

"Sanchez was great. He was just smart with the football. I think sometimes he could have put the ball on a receiver, but he was making sure the ball wasn't intercepted. It was great to see him respond."

Raiders' defensive lineman Richard Seymour, who boldly predicted the team would make the playoffs despite their slow start, was singing a different tune after the rout:

"I don't think we could have beaten an Oakland high school team today."

Despite Russell's struggles, Oakland coach Tom Cable remains committed to him as the team's starter:

"I thought he was really out of sorts early in the game. I just did not feel like at that point he gave us the best chance to have the success we needed to have offensively and made the move. JaMarcus will continue to be our starter. There is no issue there."

The Raiders will try to bounce back this weekend in a big rivalry game on the road against the San Diego Chargers. They'll then enjoy a bye week before back to back home games against the Kansas City Chiefs and Cincinnati Bengals. The Jets host Miami this Sunday. They'll also have a bye week to look forward to before returning to action at home on November 15 against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Event Catering Essex Offers Wonderful Cuisine Options

By Jane Francis

One thing that you really need to make a party special and ensure that the guests enjoy every minute is food. Yes, it is food that gets people talking, makes them relaxed, and gives everyone a break from dancing! When you are hosting a party in Essex or nearby, you should, therefore, think about what kind of event catering you can get. You could get aunty to make a few snacks, but would this really suffice? How about professional event catering Essex to make your party top of the pops?

When you choose event catering for your party, the first thing to consider is the number of people. Your guest list should be sent out a few months before the event so that you have plenty of time to get RSVP's. Then you can see how many people are going to be attending. This is the first thing that a professional catering company will ask.

The next thing that will affect the quote and your budget is the type of food you want served. This could be anything from light finger snacks, to a full on 5 course menu spread. You could even have a themed evening with Indian cuisine, Mexican cuisine, Greek style food, or a Moroccan menu. What you decide will vary the costs involved so be wise with your choices.

As with any wedding, you will expect to be served high quality foods that you would not normally eat. To make your wedding or anniversary extra special, you can choose from a traditional menu. Many event catering companies do provide the highest quality with top chefs, and can arrange full service as well.

With the choices you have of event catering Essex, it will be hard to choose a company for your event. This is why you must always compare quotes, ask for credentials, and then find out how experienced the chefs are. Also, don't forget to set up a sampling day so that you can see if you like the food that will be served. You can also work with the chef to make any changes to it that you feel would be the best for your party and your guests.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Have Some Fun with Garfield Personal Checks

By Alan Plastin

Are you a fan of Garfield, John, and Odie? Are you tired of your plain old boring personal bank checks? Are you afraid that purchasing interesting looking checks will be not only costly but time consuming as well? It's not as expensive as you might think, now thanks to the Internet. If you're a fan of Garfield and his friends, you can even carry Garfield-inspired checks. Your checkbook will never be dull again.

Garfield is a comic strip that was created by Jim Davis in 1978. It chronicles the life and adventures of Garfield, his owner Jon, and Odie, Jon's dog. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is also the world's most syndicated comic strip.

Some of the things that the comic strip focuses on are Garfield's repulsion to diets, his lethargy, his love of all things food, and his detestation of Mondays. Since the comic strip is not political in nature, but rather focuses on the humor of daily life, both children and adults are able to enjoy his antics.

Jon is Garfield and Odie's owner and is usually portrayed as a nice, if somewhat geeky, character. He has eccentric habits such as stamp collecting and dubious fashion taste, according to Garfield. Some of the jokes in the comic strip focus on Jon's inability to garner a date.

Odie is a yellow dog that is usually shown to be nave, but lovable. Sometimes, when Garfield and Jon are out of the house, Odie can be seen reading large novels and watching educational television. Garfield often gets the better of him, although the two do share an affinity for one another.

Today, if you're a fan of Garfield and Company, then you can purchase Garfield personal bank checks at a fraction of the cost that you might have paid at your bank by ordering online. When you use a reputable site you can save as much as 50% off the cost that you might have paid in the past. Plus, you will have a larger multitude of checks to select from, too.

The Garfield checks are endearing and light-hearted, just like the comic strip. You can even purchase coordinating address labels and a matching checkbook cover to go with them in order to complete your Garfield collection. Every time you write a Garfield check, you won't help but smile-even if your finances are no laughing matter.

Ordering checks online is simple and quick and takes the task out of going to your local bank. You just need to know your routing number and checking account number to get started. These will be printed directly onto the checks themselves. You can typically expect to receive the checks in around 3-5 days, which might even be faster than your bank got them to you in the past.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Influence Of the Seven Chakras

By Jonathan Benjem

Chakras are the foci within our bodies where the energy which makes up our life force is generated. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel; a good representation of the spherical energy field the word refers to.

There are six main chakras that are stacked in a column along a person's spine, and there is a seventh that is above them, beyond the physicality of the body.

While we understand these Chakras as energy, you need to understand that these seven Chakras influence your body.

Having your Chakras in the proper alignment will also keep your physical, mental and spiritual health in good condition.


The Muladhara is the Chakra of your lower body. This Chakra is responsible for your survival instinct and other related primal behaviors. Located in the perineum, the Muladhara relates to the potentiality of human life.

This is the Chakra believed to be influential on the adrenal glands, producing the fight or flight response and other primal behaviors.


The Swadhisthana is the reproductive Chakra, also known as the sacral Chakra. This Chakra corresponds to the genitalia and controls sexuality and the creative urge.

This Chakra also governs the production of sex hormones and plays a role in producing mood swings. This Chakra is symbolized by a six petal lotus.


The Manipura is the navel. It is considered to be the solar plexus chakra. This chakra deals with the transitions that are found between base emotions and complex emotions. The chakra itself is in charge of base emotions and complex emotions, and dictates the way that they flow into each other. It deals with the flow of energy, the flow of digestion, and can be compared to the way that the pancreas functions in the body.

The Manipura plays an important role in the way that food is converted into energy. It is symbolized by a ten petal lotus.


The Anahata is the heart. This Chakra is responsible for love and other complex emotions, as well as your sense of equilibrium and well being overall. This Chakra corresponds to the thymus gland (located in the chest) and the immune system in the physical body.

This Chakra is symbolized by a twelve petal lotus


The Vishudda is the throat. It is responsible for communication and growth.The symbol of this Chakra is a sixteen petal lotus.

It also controls your powers of communication and corresponds to the thyroid gland in the physical body.


The Anja is your eyebrow or forehead. This Chakra is the third eye. Ajna is responsible for your ability to visaualize and is the Chakra related to light, time and awareness.

This Chakra is also in charge of the sleep cycle. The symbol of this Chakra is a two petal lotus.


Symbolized by a one thousand petal lotus, the Sahasrara is the seventh and final chakra. It is the chakra of consciousness. It communicates with the rest of the body in the same manner that the pituitary gland does. The Sahsrara is connected to all of the body systems, and is the key player in consciousness.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Are The Online Casino Sites Worth Playing

There are lots of online casino sites on the Internet. It makes it really difficult to tell which ones to play or not. Most of the time they are all real online sites approved by the gaming corp. If they are not then the Corp has them removed.

Usually you can get a starting up bonus of anywhere from five to twenty five dollars to start to play the game. You get it for free but have to send yourself more money and usually they will match what you put in your casino bank.

You can deposit money from your bank account, charge cards or from pay pal. Like I said once you do that they will instantly deposit money in there as well for you. IF you win and want to use the money in real life just transfer it back through pay pal. This though, can take a few days so make sure you aren't doing it cause you have no money because you can count on not seeing this money till at least one week has gone by from when you deposited it.

There are different games on the sites as well. You can play the different slots or go and sit at a table just like in real life. There are many different games. If it is in a real casino then you can find it online. If you get stuck there are plenty of topics available in help to assist you in getting through the game. Some gaming sites even allow you to put up a avatar character instead of a blank or a real picture.

It can be a problem though. Just as much as you can get addicted to a real casino it can happen to a online one as well. If you feel that you are having a issue stop and go through the contact area on the site and look for a phone number that can get you the assistance that you need to stop gambling,

IF you like casinos but not the tables there are many different things you can do. You can even play bingo on there. Online casinos like to make sure that there is a variety of entertainment for everyone that comes to the site. There is also contests and free give aways as well. Be prepared to get invites in your email and mail as well. Just look when your signing up and if you don't want updates and promotions just check off the box that says no.

I prefer online playing. I never have to leave the house, loose my seat at a slot, have someone looking over my shoulder or sit at a table for hours and hours. These to me are some great advantages to not going to to the casino. Especially on those cold winter nights when I really do just want to sit at home and relax on the computer.

Some Top Tips To Make The Photography Just Perfect On Your Wedding

By Joel Wong

Wedding photography includes pictures of the couple before the wedding, as well as coverage of the actual ceremony and reception. The two approaches in wedding photography are traditional and photojournalistic. Traditional bridal photography consists of classically posed images. In this approach, there is much interaction with the photographer on the day of the wedding. In the photojournalistic approach, the images recorded are much more subtle with less photographer interaction. These two approaches are the two extremes of photographic styles. Today most photographers will side with one of the two styles.

There are certain things to keep in mind while hiring a photographer to cover your wedding. Every photographer possesses an individual style. It takes some research from your side to decide who you want to photograph your wedding. To find the perfect photographer you should start looking well ahead of time. If you are hiring a wedding photojournalist to cover your wedding, it is recommended that you focus more on the creative side than on the business process involved. One shouldn't be concerned about comparing various package details or the number of prints he is going to get. Take care of all the last minute details so your photographer isn't preoccupied with thoughts about payment on your wedding day.

Don't boss your photographer around all the time. Nobody wants to be pushed around, not even your photographer so ask your guests to be polite as well. No photographer likes to be directed as to what to shoot and how to do it. The more there's third party interaction, the less creativity in the photography. Sometimes the relatives and friends are so preoccupied in instructing the photographer that they almost miss the entire wedding.

Trust is a key on the day with your photographer. If you trust them and show this to them, you will allow them to feel so much more relaxed and thus produce better results. It does not matter how experienced a photographer is - they're only human and they have a big job on the day. So trust them and let them do their work. You will benefit from the results.

Most importantly, do not starve your photographer. No matter how professional the photographer is, he needs to eat. He would be the last person you want to starve. And try not to give your photographer a very long list of things to do. This would distract him from what you actually hired him to do.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can I Join A Online Casino For Free

There has become so many different online casino web sites. It is a rather confusing thing for most but most of the sites are real and it is because the gaming corporation wouldn't have it any other way. There are a few really good ones out there.

If you go to the website of one you have selected you can see that you are gong to be told that you can play for free for the first few dollars. Usually it is 5. 00-25. 00 and then after that they will double what you put in there to play with when you make that first deposit.

Depositing money is easy. You can do it through really anywhere. MasterCard's and Visa's, Debit checking cards, as well as pay pal. I personally use pay pal because I can transfer my wining back to my account it just takes some time to get there that's all.

There is a wide variety to play online. You can do everything from slots to the different table top games that are at the real casinos. You are able to play them all in your own home and if you get stuck there are tutorials to help you through and make it go easier.

Just like being in a real casino it can sometimes get the best of you and get you addicted to it. This opens up a door that you don't really want to happen so keep a eye on yourself and contact the help number that is listed on the website for these situations.

Like I said there are games for everyone there. You can even get to games like bingo if slots and tables are not your favourite games to play. Online casinos do a good job at thinking about all their customers and what everyone wants to play. Make sure you decide when you set up the account how you want promotions sent to you. Whether it is through the mail or email.

There are advantages to sitting at home to play. You never have to leave the house, and you always get to wear what you want to your casino even if it is pajamas. Your food and drinks are free and best of all you don't have to worry about no seats being available at your favorite games or not. I have done both and honestly like sitting at home playing a lot more then i like leaving the house on a balmy winters day.

Reality Television Shows

By Wayne Torres

Television networks are producing more factual and realistic shows to attract general viewing public. The masses seem to have more interests in watching ordinary people doing exuberant stuff.

The reality shows are still becoming famous among the television viewers. In the reality shows, the cast are the ordinary people who are placed in an uncertain situation to achieve something. The hourly programs consist of several unknown contestants who will strive for getting their targets.

Television companies have added variety to the reality shows. These can be classified as game shows, elimination round shows, dating shows, self improvement programs, dating shows, houses hidden camera shows, talk shows and documentary style programs.

The new faces in the reality shows are usually uncomfortable with the camera. The ordinary people participating in the reality shows make the programs tireless for the public by their talent and adventure.

But anxiety can be seen in the contestants when they struggle for the prize. Viewers get to see the nervousness amongst the participants. For example, the contestants will travel around the world to find and beat clues to get the monetary prize in The Amazing Race.

The flight schedules, the run through airports, competition with other contestants and the inability to understand language results into anxiety from hard pressure.

Anxiety is not common among the actors in the daily soaps. This anxiety makes the shows more realistic and connects us to the facts.

We see participants doing scary things in the adventurous reality show Fear Factor. The activities are horrible for the public but aren't that easy for contestants too.

Participants in the Fear Factor struggle with their own fear and anxiety in a way one can't just imagine. They eat living insects, jump from a height of three hundred feet in the air and get locked with snakes in the coffin.

Entertainment is really evolving into a totally different era. Being real in television is already considered as enjoyment for other people. A sense of fear and anxiety can really hype up the viewing audience. By watching reality shows such as these, it would give us the impression of what's real and what's not.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Washington Offense In A State Of Flux

By Ross Everett

The Washington Redskins are a mess right now. Head coach Jim Zorn has a tenuous hold on his job at best and after Sunday's---6 loss to Kansas City was stripped of his offensive play calling duties. Management installed newly hired 'offensive consultant' Sherman Lewis as the new offensive play caller and the team has set up an awkward arrangement for him to get the plays to the quarterbacks. For that reason, starting QB Jason Campbell has some serious misgivings about the efficacy of the setup.

Lewis has only been out of retirement and with the team for two weeks, and has spent this week trying to ingest a crash course on the Redskins' offensive schemes. While he was learning on the job, head coach Zorn was trying to put the best spin possible on the situation':

"I need to have composure. I need to understand what the reality of the situation is, and I think our players expect me to rise up. We expect them to play under adverse conditions. We expect them to risk it all. ... I'm conscious of what's going on. I'm not naive about what's going on, and yet I have to just hold back on any feelings and make the decisions."

Quarterback Campbell is more concerned about the convoluted system of getting plays from Lewis to him:

"There'll probably be a couple of plays I have in my head just in case if some reason it doesn't get in on time."

Here's how things are supposed to work-Lewis will sit in the coaches' box above the field and read the plays off a sheet. While Lewis has years of experience working in the so called 'West Coast Offense', Zorn left doubt that he really knows what he's doing at this point stressing that Lewis "doesn't know the protections" and "doesn't know the blitz schemes." Nevertheless, he'll be running the offense when the Redskins take on Philadelphia this Monday night.

Once Lewis figures out what to call, that's when it really gets tricky. He'll relay the plays via headset not to Zorn but to offensive coordinator Sherman Smith. Smith will then inform the quarterback what to run. Zorn is left in the role of a passive bystander on offense, though he will listen in to the playcalling on his headset.

Backup quarterback Todd Collins also shared his concern with the new arrangement:

"It is unsettling. I've never gone through this before. I've never had a play caller get changed in the middle of the season."

Lewis didn't exactly evoke a lot of confidence upon his hiring, where he revealed that he'd been calling bingo games at a seniors' center to kill time since his retirement in 2004. Still, Collins gave him a guarded vote of confidence;

"I know he's been studying last year's game against the Eagles and seems to have a pretty good idea how he wants to call the game this week. It's the same plays. He might coach them a little differently or highlight some different areas, but the offense hasn't gone under an overhaul or anything like that."

The Redskins haven't scored more than 17 points in a game this season, so maybe the thinking is that things can't get any worse.

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Broncos Still Undefeated After Win Over Chargers

By Ross Everett

The Denver Broncos are for real. The NFL's most surprising undefeated team certainly answered any remaining doubters on Monday Night Football as they used a fourth quarter surge to put away the San Diego Chargers 34-23. Broncos' QB Kyle Orton had another solid, mistake free game as he passed for 229 yards and two touchdowns with no interceptions. Denver's special teams also excelled, with Eddie Royal becoming only the 11th player in NFL history to return a punt and a kickoff for touchdowns in the same game.

NFL football sports betting fans that backed the Broncos as +3 road underdogs were rewarded with the outright victory and Denver continued their season opening undefeated run against the pointspread (now 6-0 ATS). The Chargers, meanwhile, have only covered one of their five games this season.

Royal was virtually untouched on both of his kick returns, a first quarter 93 yard kickoff return and a second quarter 71 yard punt return. After the game, he gave credit to his blockers:

"Man, it was a great feeling. The guys did a great job of blocking. I've got to give them a lot of credit. They opened up the seams and it was a home run."

Despite the rarity of his feat, he said he wasn't surprised that he turned the trick:

"You've got to believe it can happen before you do it. I've got a lot of faith in the guys in front of me, so I wasn't surprised."

Broncos coach Josh McDaniels also praised Royal's blockers:

"I think our guys did a great job of blocking and giving Eddie a chance to get started."

While losing coach Norv Turner lamented his team's poor kick coverage:

"It doesn't matter who you are playing; you give up two big returns on a punt and a kickoff and it makes it tough"

Chargers' QB Phillip Rivers talked about the loss and the team's slow start to the 2009 NFL season:

"It's going to be tough. We have to get over this one quick or we'll find ourselves in trouble in Kansas City because it's a short week."

Denver will get a week off to enjoy their 6-0 start before returning to action on November 1 at Baltimore. The following week they'll host the defending Superbowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers on Monday Night Football before traveling to Washington, DC to face the Redskins. San Diego will play at Kansas City this weekend. They'll return home to face their hated rivals, the Oakland Raiders, on November 1 before a road game against the New York Giants the following Sunday.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Anyone Can Win Generously At Real Series Slots

Many of us like online casino gaming and in fact during our online gaming experiences we may have heard about Real Series Slots. If you have heard the term but are not familiar with what it means and how you can play it then you should read the following description about what it means and what it offers to you.

Real Series Slots are the future of online gaming and this is why more and more casinos are offering these games to the gamers. Such slot machines are very popular and are only less popular than blackjack but they are much more popular than the three slots games.

Real Series is popular not because it is the newest type of online slots games but because they use five reels instead of the conventional three reels and in addition you get to play 25 playlines. This in turn helps to ensure that you get additional wilds and also scatters and because there are five reels you will only need to get three combinations in order to earn your bonus and this of course means that you will get to win more and more often as well. The payouts from Real Series are also a lot larger than what you would get from the conventional slots games.

Even better, with Real Series the payouts are much bigger and they go up even more when you play for random jackpots. Since the jackpots are random and not just progressive it means that you will win more at all times and also on any slot machine.

This means that you have one more good reason to switch to playing Real Series and the more that you play the better will be your chances of winning and the payouts too will be fantastically large.

For those who are playing for the biggest payout there is a good chance that they will win really big. If however you want to first become familiar with playing Real Series then you can opt to play for fun and not for real money. Once you have tested the waters and you are confident about your ability to win you can then switch over to playing for real money and in this way boost your chances of winning.

You must first practice the slots till you are adept at playing the Real Series Slots and then after your confidence levels are high you can start playing to win the huge amounts of money that are waiting to be won.

Improve Your Reputation in World of Warcraft

By Jeff Stevens

In World of Warcraft, your reputation is really just your experience. Your reputation is split up into quite a number of levels and you must earn reputation points to get through these levels. When you complete certain quests that are assigned by the faction this will usually increase your reputation with that faction.

Most of the factions will then assign you repeatable quests that you can do to increase your reputation even more. The vast majority of these quests will be seeking and killing monsters and baddies which are referred to as mobs. The level of these quests equates to how much reputation you will receive of the total given reward. Colored quests such as orange, green, yellow and red will give you full reputation for that distinct quest, however the gray quest gives a decreasing return on your level compared to that quest level. Will now, what is a faction, a faction is a race, or organization or group of players that exist in Warcraft.

Something that has changed from the past reputation rules is the fact that you can gain full reputation points with your higher level characters even when you do a very easy quest, say, killing a lower level mob. Some other things to consider: Reputation earned with one certain faction can spillover into other allied factions. This is the term given to the effect seen when reputation gain in one faction will raise your reputation in all or some of the other factions. Not all of the quests remit spillover, and not every quest with spillover is confined to factions. Spillover is related entirely to the quest or mob giving the reputation. This is called rippling.

You cannot gain reputation in an opposing faction. You can increase your reputation faster when get together with other players that are fighting the same mob. Your reputation can also be reduced, this will depend on your level compared to the quest or mob.

Reputation increases in World of Warcraft are to be looked at as a constant evolution. As soon as you start playing the game you will need to start the process of trying to increase your reputation by doing all the quests to increase your reputation in the factions that you have targeted. If you jump past the reputation quests and the low level earning mobs, you will end up doing more of the repeatable type quests in the future, and those quests can get very boring and laborious.

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