Thursday, December 31, 2009

Romantic Weekend Ideas For You And Yours

By Kirt Westred

You wish some romantic weekend concepts to help get you in the mood. Well, here are some things we were ready to come up with. Feel free to borrow them whole or to adapt them to something you know your sweetheart will appreciate.

Candlelight dinner is outstanding among romantic weekend ideas. It does not matter if you're at home, in a fancy restaurant, or on a camping trip, candlelight invariably adds to the mood. Any meal becomes more intimate after you go to the trouble of setting out candles and having them lit for dinner.

Flowers are one amongst the only romantic weekend ideas. Having flowers delivered or choosing up a bouquet and offering it to her (or him) on a whim, turns any weekend into a romantic one. Show the one you love that it does not have to be a big day for you to take note of how special they are, and saying it with flowers invariably makes it one of the foremost romantic weekend ideas.

Breakfast in bed is usually one of the favourite romantic weekend ideas for most people. A small vase of flowers along together with your darling's favorite breakfast foods, prepared by your own loving hands, always wins the day for best romantic weekend ideas.

Simply a straightforward note card left on the bedroom dresser is one among the easiest romantic weekend concepts we have a tendency to've found. Imagine getting up and about on an otherwise average Saturday morning to search out that the one you like has left you a note card with poetry or a few easy lines expressing how much they love you. This straightforward, thoughtful gesture is one of the foremost affective romantic weekend concepts, because it changes the mood of the complete day into an expression of love and devotion.

A picnic for two may be a nice one of many romantic weekend ideas. You'll prepare it to require place at the local park, or by the lake, at the ocean, or any of the places you know that your love considers special. Be certain to create up a basket of your lover's favorite foods, and embody a bottle of wine to help set the mood.

A break in the day for a walk in the park is easy and romantic. Tell you beloved that you would like to steel them away for simply a touch and relish a stroll in your favorite park. Create the time you pay there intimate and special. Be positive to carry hands and not to speak concerning something related to work or the youngsters, or the least bit outside of your regard for one another. You may be surprised to find that this inspired, however impulsive time along ranks united of the one you love's favorite romantic weekend ideas.

Alternative romantic weekend concepts are a lot of obvious, sort of a weekend trip, a romantic movie, dinner at a fine restaurant, a present of bijou, etc. We tend to, but, prefer the easy, impulsive expressions of love that don't have to take a lot of designing or maybe abundant money. And, while these are romantic weekend ideas, trying some of them throughout the week is even a lot of impulsive and therefore, a lot of romantic.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra - The Biggest Hit of The Year.

By Saisha Jones

Have you been a G.I JOE fan all along? Were you anticipating yet another G.I JOE movie with all the action & the adventure?

You will be happy to know that the biggest adventure film of the year is back with a bang. Directed by Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, Van Helsing), G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra stars a hot young cast including Channing Tatum (Public Enemies), Marlon Wayans (Dance Flick), Sienna Miller (Factory Girl), Joseph Gordon-Levitt ((500) Days of Summer), Rachel Nichols ("Alias") and Ray Park (X-Men), as well as veteran actors Dennis Quaid (Vantage Point) and Christopher Eccleston (Gone in Sixty Seconds).

The story of the movie follows two American soldiers, Duke and Ripcord, who join the G.I. Joe Team after being attacked by MARS troops. G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra is a 2009 American live-action film adaptation of the G.I. Joe toy franchise. Filming took place in Downey, California and Prague's Barrandov Studios, and six different companies handled the visual effects.

The plot of the movie begins with the Scotsman Klan McCullen being accused of selling weaponry to both the Scots and French. The jury brands his face with a white-hot mask in order to humiliate him, rather than executing for treason. In the near future, weapons expert James McCullen (Christopher Eccleston) creates a
nanotechnology-based weapon capable of destroying an entire city. His company MARS sells four warheads to NATO, and the U.S. Army is tasked with delivering the warheads. Duke and Ripcord are rescued by Scarlett (Rachel Nichols), Snake Eyes (Ray Park) and Heavy Duty (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje). Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripcord (Marlon Wayans) are delivering the warheads when they are ambushed by the Baroness (Sienna Miller), who Duke recognized to be his ex-fiance Ana Lewis. The warheads are taken to The Pit, G.I. Joe's command center in North Africa, and upon arriving rendezvous with General Hawk (Dennis Quaid), the head of the G.I. Joe Team. Hawk takes command of the war-heads and excuses Duke and Ripcord, only to be convinced to have them join his group after Duke reveals that he knows the Baroness.

Armed with the coolest hi-tech gadgets and weapons, including jaw-dropping accelerator and camouflage suits, G.I. JOE is the last line of defense against those intent on world domination. The G.I. Joe team travels the world from the Egyptian desert to the polar ice caps and the streets of Paris in a high stakes pursuit of COBRA, an evil international organization threatening to use a technology that could bring the world to its knees.

The filming of this movie began on February 11, 2008, in Los Angeles, California. The Downey sound-stage was chosen as Paramount needed a large stage to get production underway as soon as possible. The first two levels of the Pit were built there, to complement the rest of the building which would be done with special effects. Downey also housed Destro's MARS base in the Arctic, his legitimate weapons factory in an ex-Soviet state, as well as various submarines interiors, including a SHARC (Submersible High-speed Attack and Reconnaissance Craft) manned by two G.I. Joes.

Six different visual effects companies worked in The Rise of Cobra, the most prominent being Digital Domain, which handled the Paris action, sequences and the opening convoy sequence. For the Eiffel Tower destruction, a special code for depicting how the crumbling metal works was written. To create the digital Eiffel Tower, the technicians had access to the original building plans, and built a digital model so complex that could not fit in a single file.The nanomites used two different proprietary software for their depiction, one by Digital Domain, and another by, which also created tools to generate 3D cloud and sky environments for the aerial scenes. Many scenarios were almost fully developed by computer-generated imagery, such as the landing platform of the Pit, the Cobra ice caverns, and the final underwater battle.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is a mind-blowing movie with all the latest effects & adventures. G.I JOE was the biggest hit which ruled the box office for years & its sequel is creating a widespread craze all over.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Historical Roots Of MMA: Muhammad Ali Vs. Antonio Inoki

By Ross Everett

Decades before mixed martial arts became popular in the United States, events matching fighters of different fighting disciplines were very common in Japan. They weren't called "mixed martial arts" at the time, but that's essentially what they were.There's an entire history of pro wrestlers fighting specialists from other martial arts (particularly judo) that were leaving out, but during the'70's Antonio Inoki began to put the concept of "mixed martial arts" on the map with his matches against fighters from other disciplines.

Before and after his matchup against Muhammad Ali, Inoki would frequently compete against other martial artists in what are widely accepted to be "worked" (ie: having a predetermined outcome) matches. Inoki fought boxer Chuck Wepner, judo Gold Medalist Wilhelm Ruska and world karate champion Willie Williams among others. His most famous match internationally, however, was against Ali.

There are differing accounts of how the best heavyweight boxer in history found himself in a ring in Tokyo's Budokan Arena against a pro wrestler. One thing is certain--it was viewed as an easy payday for Ali, who'd lost a good chunk of his prime earning years to his controversial stance over the Vietnam war. That's what got him there in the first place, and that's what kept him there after the two sides began squabbling over the rules and the outcome of the fight. Some suggest that it was supposed to be a "fair fight" going in and once Ali saw Inoki spar he insisted on rules changes to tilt the fight in his favor. Another more likely version of the story suggests that Ali's handlers knew that the fight was supposed to be a "work" all along. They made the deal with Inoki's people based on this fact, and were all on board as to the outcome of the match and how it would "finish". The "original" plan was to have Inoki win in a controversial manner that would keep his undefeated streak in "MMA" matches intact while allowing Ali to "save face. The only person who wasn't aware of the game plan, however, was Ali himself. When informed that he was supposed to "take a dive", even in a convoluted fashion, Ali refused. No agreement was reached between the two camps and at the last minute a legit fight transpired. The promoters were left with a sold out Budokan, a worldwide PPV audience and two fighters who despite every effort to the contrary would actually have to fight each other.

By the time the fight began, Ali's handlers had obtained a ridiculously one sided set of rules that prohibited Inkoi from using a closed fist, striking Ali in the head at all, using any chokes or submissions or even trying to take the fight to the ground. Were it not for the huge amount of money he'd be leaving on the table, Inoki would have been justified in not fighting at all under these highly restrictive and one-sided conditions.

The painfully boring event that ensued was, despite many suggestions to the contrary, an actual fight. Inoki spent most of the match on the ground, unsuccessfully imploring Ali to join him and throwing kicks at his opponent's legs. Ali did even less throughout the match, throwing a few jabs and trying to protect his knees and legs. The fight was scored on a 5 point system, and ended up in a 74-74 draw. It's worth noting that Inoki had three points deducted for very dubious infractions: the first for throwing (and missing) with a drop kick, the second for throwing an elbow to Ali's head and the third for a swift kick to Ali's ribs. Had these deductions not occurred, Inoki would have won by decision. From a strict standpoint of scoring boxing, he probably deserved to win since he at least tried to execute a fight plan despite the restrictions he faced. For all practical purposes, however, a draw was the proper outcome. Both guys got paid and no one won, least of all the fans.

Some interesting trivia about the fight--the referee was former pro wrestler "Judo" Gene Labell, who is considered by many 'the baddest man on the planet' even in his 80's. He could have very likely beaten up both men at the same time--a spectacle that might have been welcomed by the live crowd and closed circuit audience worldwide.

The fiasco didn't hurt Inoki's popularity in Japan whatsoever. Oddly, he became something of a hero for trying to take the fight to Ali despite the one sided rules. He would remain one of Japan's most popular pro wrestlers and later serve in the country's parliament. Inoki's fights against other martial artists remained wildly popular, and are often credited as being the forerunner of PRIDE, RINGS and the major MMA organizations in Japan today.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Use Airsoft Guns For Unlimited Fun

By Anthony Carter

The airsoft guns can be used by individuals looking for unlimited shooting fun by using these guns in games and shooting events. These guns are also suitable for individuals good at the online shooting games. The guns can be safely used without causing any physical harm to others. The best part of these guns is their non-lethal nature and their replication of the actual firearms. However, the guns have a smaller size as compared to the original guns.

The guns were first used in Japan and mainly manufactured for the passionate gun users of that country. The bullets used in these guns were plastic pellets. The main use of these guns is restricted to events such as shooting competitions and games. The sources of energy that is used to power these guns are basically electricity and gas. However, the first source of energy for these guns was the spring.

The guns though non-lethal had a set of laws for its usage by individuals. However, this is restricted to some countries. In most of the countries, there are no laws against possession or use of the airsoft guns. Nevertheless, there are certain rules framed for the safety of the individuals using these guns. The age of the individual is one of the factors based on which these guns can be issued. It is important for the individuals to treat these guns as toys and use them safely.

Individuals should try to get the accessories along with the gun to have a wonderful time taking part in the shooting events. Some of the important accessories necessary for making the event come alive are goggles, war uniforms, helmets, and other similar kind of accessories.

These guns provide the users with the best shooting experience. The whole event comes alive when the individuals use the guns and the associated accessories for the event. Since the package for the gun contains everything, the individuals can fit the accessories quickly and go for the shooting session.

These airsoft guns shooting sights can be found at many different places. Once the gun comes in the possession of the individual, he can take part in the events and have fun dodging bullets, running, using assault tactics, and participating in similar kind of activities. The events can also have many team activities to provide that additional amount of fun while using these guns.

While having fun it is important that the individuals put enough stress on the safety features as well. The loaded airsoft gun should be handled with utmost care. While shooting, individuals should make sure that they aim at official targets. It has been found that accidental firing can be dangerous for others as there are chances of physical harm like damage to eyes and teeth's. The guns should not be used to shoot at unofficial targets.

The airsoft guns can create a situation of panic if displayed in public places. The main reason is that these guns are very much similar to the original firearms. This calls for proper use of these guns in all locations. Children should be kept away from these guns. There can be a situation where the children are suspended from the school due to the airsoft gun usage. The guns should be kept away from the children until and unless sufficient adult supervision is provided.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Helio Gracie: Father Of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

By Ross Everett

The founding father of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and patriarch of the Gracie family, Helio Gracie, died in early 2009 at the age of 95. His influence in martial arts as well as the sport of mixed martial arts is mind boggling. The Gracie family name will forever be synonymous with Brazilian sports, jiu-jitsu, MMA and the UFC"not only due to Helios own accomplishments but the legacy he created both by training others and through his family.

Helio Gracie began his training in mixed martial arts early, and by his teenage years was already teaching judo. While he had no problem mastering the theoretical aspects of judo, he found that many of its techniques were less effective for a practitioner with a smaller build. Along with his brother Carlos, Gracie began to work out his own fighting system by adapting many of judo's techniques and making them more a product of leverage rather than brute strength. This led to the creation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), frequently called Gracie Jiu Jitsu in his honor.

Gracie also had a professional fighting career, taking on champions from other disciplines in a forerunner to modern mixed martial arts. These bouts were grueling, unregulated affairs with rules that were often made up as they went along and time limits that seem barbaric by todays standards. By his own recollection, he had 15 fights against the top fighters of his day. He began his career in'32 by submitting professional boxer Antonio Portugal (whod likely never even heard of a submission at that point, let alone experienced one) in just 32 seconds. Later that year, he fought American catch wrestler Frank Ebert to a draw after the ringside doctor ordered the bout stopped after an ungodly fourteen ten minute rounds.

His most famous battle was against Japanese judo legend Masahiko Kimura, resulting in a rare loss for Gracie. Despite the setback, he fought bravely and may have actually enhanced his legend after refusing to submit to a reverse arm bar (the same move that now bears Kimuras name). Only after his arm was broken did his brother Carlos throw in the towel.

Gracies influence on the Brazilian sports scene, and later the nascent sport of mixed martial arts, would continue through his family. Married twice, he had seven sons (Rickson, Royler, Rolker, Royce, Relson, Robin and Rorion) and two daughters (Rerika and Ricci), many of whom went on to make their own mark on the fight sport world. Royce Gracie is well known as the first UFC superstar, while sons Rickson Royler, Renzo have also achieved considerable fame in professional MMA. At the time of his death, Helio Gracie was a 6th Dan Judo black belt and the only living 10th degree master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Gracie died at age 95, after suffering stomach problems though the cause of his death was officially listed as 'natural causes'. His last words are classic and highly fitting for a man who gave so much to martial arts and fighting sports:

"I created a flag from the sports dignity. I oversee the name of my family with affection and nerves of blood.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Benefits Of Camping With An RV

By Larry Forest

Vacation is one thing that most people really enjoy doing. There is one type that is very popular. The type of vacation we are referring to is camping. This type of vacation is appealing to so many people.

One of the best ways to go camping is to go in an RV. Well with this article let's take a look at a lot of the great things you can do because of camping with an RV.

First of all the benefit of going camping in an RV is the fact you have all the amenities you would need. Some things like toilets and running water appeals to many people. Without a doubt there are still a group of people who like to rough it when they go camping. But that isn't the type of person that makes up most of my clientele of my San Diego RV rentals business.

The next benefit of going camping in an RV is the ability to store food and cook in it. When you go camping usually you are limited in what type of food you can bring. Well if you choose to camp and use an RV you are freeing yourself from the limitations that normally come with bringing food to camp. That is the biggest requested item for people who rent an RV from my Campland on the Bay RV rentals service.

The last benefits is the fact you are free to move around to many different campsites. The first thing that has to be done when you go camping is you need to set up camp. Well if you choose to move camps there is a lot of breaking down and then moving of everything. Well when you have an RV if you choose to visit another campsite, the only thing you have to do is load up and go. This is what a lot of people who rent from my RV rentals company.

As you can see very clearly the choice to go camping with an RV has many reasons. The main advantage of that is that it is extremely easy to use and comfortable.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Live To Ride Ride To Love

By L.J. James

When I received the Novel "Iron Horse Rider" from the Author Adelle "Legs" Laudan I have to admit I was expecting a book about a Biker fighting and causing trouble. You know your Typical Biker Bad Boy Story. What I received was something I was not expecting at all.

The Novel Tells the story of a hardcore biker named Shane, Shane had always kept women at arms length and showed them no emotion, That was until he met Kelly. Try as he might this biker who had always kept to himself could not fight off his feelings for her and soon found himself Married to the Women of his dreams.

After 10 years of Marriage Kelly is taken from Shane in a Tragic accident while they are Ridding. Shane finds everything around him reminds him of Kelly, His home, his shop, even his Clubhouse. His Brother's try to Support and comfort him, but the looks of sorrow in their eyes for him is more then Shane can bare. He soon realizes staying in the world He has Known and loved is not an option. Soon Shane is on his Iron Horse with the wind in his face and no destination! As Shane rides He finds the pain he feels for his loss begin to lessen!

With advice from a Mysterious Biker he keeps running into, Shane finds himself at a Micmac Indian Camp. Shane is welcomed into the Camp by the Tribes Chief and soon finds himself becoming Friends with the Chief's Daughter Tia who has recently lost her Husband! While the two Share their pain they soon begin to feel something for each other. Is it possible for either of them to feel love again while still suffering from such a great loss? A member of Tia's Tribe is taking no chances and tells Shane to stay away from Tia. He soon finds out you never tell a Biker like Shane what to do!

I found the writing in this novel while in no way simplistic was easy to read. I also found the story easy to follow ! Adelle "Legs" Laudan describes and expresses the feelings of Biker Brotherhood perfectly. When She explains Shane's feelings while Riding you can see in your mind where he is and you can almost feel the wind in your Face!

In life we all have our worlds we live in, When something Terrible happens sometimes We cling to what We know. Shane does what He as a true Biker must after such a terrible loss, He goes out and finds not only a new life but a new World to live in for a while.

I have to say I enjoyed the story. It was not what I was expecting or would usually read but I found I could not put the book down. I think some Men who Ride will enjoy this book, While many I feel will find it a little too much of a Romance novel! I do believe almost all Women who has ever ridden a Motorcycle or dated a Man who rode one will love this Novel.

As I know now Adelle "Legs" Laudan is a writer of Motorcycle Romance Novels, She works to promote the image of Motorcycling one book at a time! To order Iron Horse Rider or other Novels by Adelle "Legs" Laudan including the upcoming Iron Horse Rider 2 go to

I am Your Bro LJ James Check out my Articles and Biker Radio Show at

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Magazine Subscriptions Discounts And Sales

By Patricia Connor

Many people have a favorite magazine that they enjoy reading every single month. This is a great way to stay up to date with your interests and things that you enjoy. It can be exciting to look into your mail box and see the latest copy of your favorite magazine. If you are a subscriber you also may notice that you get the magazine each month before stores put them on the shelves. This is an added benefit for magazine subscriptions.

Most magazines are printed monthly and subscribers usually get them in the mail before they are available anywhere else. This is a nice added benefit to subscribing to your favorite magazine. Many people enjoy getting the magazine first and reading the most up to date information about their hobbies, computers, electronics or whatever else they read about in their favorite magazine.

If you do some research online you may find excellent discounts on magazine subscriptions. Many websites offer deals such as two years for the price of one or half off a year's subscription. These savings can really add up, especially if you have several different magazines that you enjoy reading.

Some people will do anything to gain access to their favorite monthly magazine. It is understandable that they want the latest news or the latest celebrity gossip. Magazines are a great form of entertainment and you can also learn quite a bit of knowledge in your favorite subject. It all depends on what interests you and how you like to spend your free time. You may also want to subscribe to a business magazine to get ideas about improving your company.

Magazines are available in a vast amount of different subjects. You can find magazines about television shows, computers, business, hobbies and electronics. If you have not discovered a favorite yet then you can find a publication for just about anything at a book store or online.

Children's magazines have been very popular over the past few years. It is nice to surprise them each month with a copy of the magazine they love. Children can learn and read about all kinds of different topics. It is also nice for them to learn about mail and how the post office works.

Magazine subscriptions also make a very good gift. It is something that you can renew each year for someone special. This is often an affordable gift that can be appreciated all year long. Your friends and family will know that you gave the gift quite a bit of thought. Each time month that they open the mail box they will remember you and your thoughtful gift.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 Great Ways To Get Better At Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the world's most popular casino table games. It's easy to play and it doesn't have a lot of complicated rules. The main rule is pretty straightforward - if you get 21, you will win. You also can win even if you don't get 21, but those rules are easy to understand too. All you need to do is beat the dealer without going over 21. As you can see, it only takes a few simple sentences to explain this popular game.

But as easy as it is to explain, playing Blackjack successfully can be a challenge. People throughout the world love to play this game because it's easy and so much fun to play. Trying to win by beating the Blackjack dealer is both exciting and thrilling.

If you love to play Blackjack then it's natural that you'd want to learn how to improve your game. This game is simple, and the ways you can make your Blackjack play better are simple, too. Here are four tips you can use to improve your Blackjack game.

1. Count Cards. Card counting can be a little tricky, but you'll be winning more often when you get the hang of it. Don't be intimidated by this winning Blackjack strategy. Counting cards is simply a matter of keeping track of your odds of winning. Card counting takes some practice but it's a skill that's well worth learning. Detailed information on how to do it is available online.

2. Always Know The Odds. Knowing the odds is easier than counting cards. You can easily find Blackjack odds in a variety of charts and graphs online. All you need to do is memorize these charts so you will know how you stand in any particular situation. Once you know where you stand, you will know which move to make to help you win.

3. Know When to Quit. Trust me, sometimes quitting will help you win. You may not think so at first, but when you know when to quit you know how to stop yourself from losing. Although it's not quite as good as winning, losing less often is always good. So although your goal is to win, another goal should be to avoid losing. Sometimes you just need to quit, so you need to know when to call it a day. You can always come back to the Blackjack table another time. Knowing when to quit at the right time will save your money and sanity.

4. Practice Makes Perfect. The only way you will get good at something is to practice, and playing online Blackjack is no different. You need to play the game so that you can learn to get better. While you are playing, try practicing card counting. You can also work on memorizing the odds of winning. Practice will help you learn which mistakes you typically make, and once you know what they are, you can stop making them. Practice lets you start seeing patterns, so practice and you'll begin to recognize situations where you are set up to win. Every winner practices their Blackjack game.

Blackjack is a classic casino game, so the odds are good that one day you'll want to step up to a table and play. Why not increase the chances that you'll be a winner? Use these tips to learn how to be an amazing Blackjack player. When you master them you'll begin playing like a professional.

The Power Of Lucid Dreams

By Gary Scraysbrook

Lucid dreams are dreams you are having, but you are aware that they are dreams and can actually control them. You are aware of every move you make, and the things you say. You decide where you want to go, what you want to do, what you want to say and who you want to be with.

There are no limits to what you can experience through lucid dreams. You can be the star of a romantic fantasy novel, or high action adventure, you can control the outcome or change the endings to what makes you happiest.

While normal dreams are uncontrollable and completely dependent on the realms of the subconscious, lucid dreams are completely controllable. There are times when lucid dreams become so vivid and so genuine that you may need to even make sure that you are dreaming!

One simple test is to try reading something. In a dream the words you see will keep changing, making it impossible to read properly. This is a sure sign that you really are having a lucid dream.

There are times that you like someone and want to be with someone. However, it might not be possible in reality but it is definitely possible in a lucid dream. You can even date and marry a Hollywood star in a lucid dream.

In a lucid dream, you can change the outcome if you don't like how the dream is heading. If you imagine you are with your loved one that has passed, you might dream that they are still alive because you were able to get to them to warn them of their upcoming demise, for example. Controlling your dream for the desired outcome is part of lucid dreaming.

Because your body has a biological need to sleep, your mind can remain in a semi-conscious state while your body is resting, which is what makes lucid dreams physically possible.

It can take awhile to learn the techniques of lucid dreaming if you have never done it, but it can be learned over a period of time with practice.

You can begin by doing some dream recall everyday. Each day try to recall the dreams that you had in the night. You need to remember them to the last possible detail. It's a great idea to keep some paper and pen handy to record your dreams. In the beginning you may not recall all the details. That's not a problem. However, with constant practice, you will find dreams repeating themselves. This will enable you to completely record your dream. Make this a habit and soon you will have all your dreams recorded and can refer to them when you want.

Writers will often use this technique to line up their next novel, using some of the scenes and characters from the lucid dream as the basis for the storyline. Lucid dreaming is a good outlet to channel your ambitions to come up with an action plan to make them a reality.

You need to make it habit to recall each and every detail about your dream. Once you do that, try sleeping again and if possible try to start the dream where you left and continue your dream from there. The dreams will repeat themselves so you can delve into more details every time that happens.

If you happen to wake up in the wee hours of morning, which is the perfect time to have a lucid dream. It may feel as if you were really awake and thinking but it was in reality lucid dreaming.

With practice it will become easier each passing day. Self hypnosis is also a great way to enhance your lucid dreaming experience.

Another quick way of experiencing lucid dreams is to use a modern technique known as binaural beats. This involves using unique frequencies to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain which will automatically put your brainwaves in a frequency which corresponds to the state of lucid dreaming.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Best RTG Casino Games

Real Time Gaming or RTG software is the top software used by leading online casinos. There is good reason for that. RTG software has the best graphics, a variety of features and is backed by a company that takes customer service very seriously. When you play RTG software casino games you will get the best experience possible.

Not only are the games amazing and fun, but there are also a variety of games that you can play. You really have no limits because almost every game you want to play from slots to poker to blackjack are available from RTG software.

Let's take a look at some of the most popular RTG software casino games.

Blackjack: Always a popular game, RTG blackjack uses 2 to 4 decks. The dealer hits soft on 17, double after a split or on any first two cards. The only way to lose first bet is if the dealer comes out with 21. There are several versions of blackjack offered from RTG. These include, Caribbean 21, Face Up and Match Play 21.

Video Poker: Another popular choice for players, video poker from RTG offers you a real experience. RTG has a large selection of video poker games. These include Pick ‘em Poker, Double Jackpot, Joker Poker and Loose Deuces.

Roulette: RTG software offers a nice selection of roulette games. In RTG roulette you have the choice of both American and European wheels. Most of the games are available to play instantly or to be downloaded.

Craps: RTG software offers craps which is a game of skill. Full double odds is the standard play in craps from RTG. Most casinos offer a chance to play for free so you can get a feel for the game and get in some practice before playing for money.

Slot Machines: One of the hottest new games from RTG software is the slots. RTG slots offer a lot of options in different games. There are random jackpots and progressive jackpots along with regular jackpot games.

These are just a sampling of the many different game options you get with RTG software. When you visit an RTG casino you will see there are plenty of choices and options no matter what game you choose to play.

RTG is Hot

There are many reasons why people love to play at RTG casinos. People simply like the experience they get with RTG software games. They take playing online to a whole new level. RTG software games offer you something that is so close to the real thing that you may start to wonder if you are at home or sitting in a Vegas casino. These games simple are the best games available in online casinos. You cannot get better graphics, better odds or a better experience than you do with RTG software games.

Actual Day Photography In Singapore

By Ray Wong

On a wedding day the two most important people are the wedding couple. An excellent idea would be to isolate the couple from the ongoing celebrations so that the photographer can capture the beautiful intimate moments between them and create some everlasting portraits Not only will you get your pictures but this will give they wedding couple some time away from the celebration as well.

Ideally, the photographer would be required to spend a casual amount of quality time with the bride and the groom during the portrait session. But this does not always happen since time is rarely a luxury anyone has; on the actual day. The time taken for pictures can well vary from an hour to no time at all. It can take up to an hour for the photographer to take the pictures.

The photographer will require some time with the bride and groom, but when is a good time?

Since the couple will still look fresh, most photographers believe that the window before the reception is suitable for the portraits.

Award winning photographer Bradley Hanson says that sometimes the bride and the groom would want to start the portrait session even before the ceremony. When the bride is getting ready is when he usually starts photographing.

Right after the newly-weds have exchanged vows is a great time for some photographers to have their portraits done, since they are still fill with all of the emotions.

For the perfect actual day session to begin, the newly-weds should set aside some time to spend with the photographer. They should find ways to politely lose the relatives and guests to acquire the beautiful moments, so that they can be cherished for a lifetime.

A good portrait session on the actual day can be ruined by too many people trying to photograph the newly-weds. So the couple isn't distracted by anyone the photographer will choose to have the couple alone.

According to award winning photographer Shawna Herring, most newly-weds start feeling uncomfortable before the camera when the portrait session is about to start. To help the couple forget the camera is there, the experienced photographer will try talking to the couple about things other then the portrait shoot.

It is also recommended to choose a day before or after the wedding for the photo shoot and go with the photographer to a different location. This really helps loosen up the bride and groom since it helps build a comfortable relationship with the photographer. In a short time, the couple may even forget the existence of the camera.

There are thousands of reasons why the photographer might not achieve time alone with the wedding couple. The bride and the groom should work together with the photographer to find some alone time so that a really creative portrait session is achieved.

About the Author:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Phil Esposito's Rampage On The NHL Record Book

By Ross Everett

Although many of his offensive records have now been left in the dust by Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux, former Boston Bruins/New York Rangers center Phil Esposito is still regarded by hockey experts as one of the greatest players in NHL history.

A native of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Esposito was signed by the Chicago Blackhawks as a teenager. After some time in junior hockey, he was called up to the NHL in'64 quickly earning a spot on the teams top line between Bobby Hull and Marcel Dionne. In'67, Esposito was traded to the Boston Bruins along with Ken Hodge and Fred Stanfield.

It wasnt long before Esposito started to destroy long standing NHL records. In'69, he became the first NHL player to top the 100 point mark (combined goals and assists) for the season"he obliterated the record with 126 points, which would be the first of six times that hed top the century mark. He topped 100 points in five straight seasons between'71 and'75, missing a sixth straight season by a single point with 99 in'70. Bruins fans were fond of displaying car bumper stickers that read Jesus Saves; Esposito scores on the rebound.

Esposito's greatest single season was in'70-71, when he destroyed the NHL's single season goal scoring mark with 76. That record stood until Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers broke it in'81-82. Even now, only four other players including Gretzky have scored more than 150 points in a season and only five others have scored more than 76 goals in a season. Perhaps the most amazing element of Espositos game was the frequency with which he put the puck on net"Espo had 550 shots on goal in'70-71. No one has since come close.

In'75, Esposito was traded with Brad Park to the New York Rangers for Brad Park, Joe Zanussi and Jean Ratelle. He had slowed somewhat, but was still enough of a valuable player and team leader that he was named the Rangers' captain. He remained a very dangerous scoring threat until the end of his career.

After his retirement in'75, he remained active in hockey. He served as the GM of the Rangers before helping secure an expansion team for Tampa, Florida in'92. Esposito served as the President and GM of the Tampa Bay Lightning until'98. After stepping away from formal duties, he's remained a very visible member of the hockey media. He hosts a daily hockey radio show on XM Radio, and has even done some acting appearing in a recurring role as a fire chief on the TV series Rescue Me.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Make Money With Event Photography

By Peter Wong

A great way to make money with photography is to focus on events. You will be surprised about how many people want events covered and photographed.

What to do

You must be careful what events to cover if you want to make money. Only where people want to retain memories will it be worth your while.

One idea is to go to kids sports events. Get permission from the coach to click pics for the parents watching and then start clicking away. If you turn up with a huge telephoto lens like the ones used for pro coverage of events, you will be taken seriously. Make sure you get all the children doing great action shots and then hand out flyers to all the kids' parents watching with your web address. If you can grab the parents email address so you can email them the URL of you site then upload the pics to your web site that day and email everyone. If you have a simple shopping cart set up you can make money in a few hours as people pop in to see the pics and buy them for $20 or more a pop.

You can do a similar thing with weddings. Take all the regular shots as part of the wedding coverage but then get your URL printed on the wedding invites and all the other wedding materials and also get an email list of all the wedding guests, offer the couple a nice 20% discount for doing this and then take lots of extra pics at the wedding of the guests doing all the things they do. Upload all the pics to your site and send the emails. You will then make a lot more money than the 20% discount it cost you because then 30 or 40 people will be also purchasing your pics at $20 or more a shot straight from your site. You can also charge a higher price for high resolution pics.

The trick is to find a corner in the market where you can excel by being the best photographer in the room, and offering an easy way for people to buy your photos.

Dog shows, fashion shows, horse shows, car shows, livestock competitions, rock shows, - the list goes on. Keep your eye out in the events section of your local paper to see what is happening. Always ask for permission to shoot pics and if you need to offer the people 10% of the income if feel you need to so you can get easy access.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Best Motion Picture Reviews Obtainable For Your Enjoyment

By Antonio L Myers

Not too long ago, the only way to truly observe a motion picture was to go to the movie theater. It was only in the 1980's that the technology of videos and VCR's came out. Many of the first video stores actually rented out Videocassette recorder's along with the movies because so few folks owned them at the beginning.

Soon however, each one owned a VCR and since then the technology has just enhanced over time. Along came DVD's and now Blu-ray. But probably the most thrilling advance is being able to download the film directly to your own computer in the ease of your own residence.

Pick from the list below and download a fantastic movie to watch tonight.

Philadelphia - Andrew Beckett is a gay attorney who has Aids. He is dying of the illness. He was terminated from the traditionalist law firm he worked for because there was concern of contracting the ailment from him. As he battles to live on, he chooses to sue the law firm, to help promote the cause of other Aids victims. His originally homophobic lawyer, fights through his prejudice to fight for this cause.

Bug - film rendition of Tracy Letts' play is tough to take seriously however not without a twist or two if you could acknowledge it as a stunt. This is simply bug versus man. Cast includes Ashley Judd, Michael Shannon, Harry Connick, Jr., Lynn Collins, and Brian F. O'Byrne.

The Sea Hawk - Top of the line combination with Flynn at his streaking best in venture on the high oceans. The motion picture has a enthusiastic balance of piracy, romance, and swordplay, handsomely shot, and orchestrated with exciting Erich Wolfgang Komgold score. Cast includes Errol Flynn, Brenda Marshall, Claude Pours, Donald Crisp, Flora Robson, Alan Hale, Henry Daniell, Una O'Connor, Gilbert Roland, and Edgar Buchanan.

Batman - The comic book television series hits the silver screen. An evil and diabolical criminal, famous as The Joker, is trying to take over Gotham City. The police are unable to stop him. The city is in peril, until a new super hero emerges. An mysterious force, so to be called Batman comes on the scene and defeats The Joker and save the city.

Big Trouble in Little China - Buddy Blowhard trucker Russell finds himself at large in Chinatown, while a pal's fiance is kidnapped right in front of his eyes. High tech Indiana Jones fashion escapade has colossal tongue-in-cheek conduct, however everything else in reference to it is huge, too including Russell's John Wayne swagger. Tremendous electric music score. The cast includes Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun, James Hong, Champ Wong, and Kate Burton.

Scream 3 - As the title implies this is the third movie in the Scream series. Sydney has run away to Northern California, and is in hiding. Back in L.A. they are filming a motion picture about Sydney's life. When there are a series of killings on the set of the film, Sydney must return to L.A. and help the cops find the killer.

Hail Caesar - Horrifying music-megastar wannabe (Chamber) is in love with an unpleasant debutante, whose dad is planning to undermine an upcoming concert. Not a very good film. Cast includes Anthony Michael Chamber, Robert Downey, Jr., Frank Gorshin, Samuel L. Jackson, Judd Nelson, and Nicholas Pryor.

About the Author:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Playing To Win Against Top Poker Players

How do professional poker players get so good? Why do they always win? What is it about them that makes them win over and over, and so much money? But the most important question is: How do I play like they do?

First, you need to learn what makes a top poker player so good. You have to start practicing your game and learn what it is the pros do to keep on top. Here are some tips the pros have handed out.

- Keep in mind that you can lose. No one wins every single hand, this is something that you just have to accept. Don't let it make you unhappy or angry, and don't give up simply because you've had a bad hand or two. No matter what happened yesterday, the odds stay the same. Keep in mind that you have the same chance of losing today as you did yesterday. The game doesn't care how good your day went, or how badly.

- Think about the big win. Everyone wants that pot. Ideally, the winner will be you. But remember, everyone has the same goal. Don't worry about them, though, focus on yourself. You're not there to make friends. In the game, look out for yourself and your hand. Keeping your eye on your cards will make you focused and give you a better chance to win.

- Keep your problems at home. A good player sits down and thinks of nothing but the game. If something happened that you can't stop thinking about, then don't play. If you bring your problems with you to the table, you will end up spending more time worried about them than thinking about winning.

- Dedicate yourself to the game. You have to focus on the table. Think about nothing else but the cards in your hand and the money in the pot. Don't let your mind wander away. If you really want to be a winner, you have to dedicate yourself 100% to the game.

Profession pokers are all about the game. They're not out there to make friends and socialize, they're there to win and win big. If you want to win like a pro, you have to play like one. The reason they look so serious when they play is because they are taking the game seriously.

These four tips should help you get started on the path to being a pro. But you also have to practice with your poker skills. The right attitude will only get you so far if you don't know how to play the game. Practice regularly and play as often as you can to get better. To be the best at the game you have to know and understand the rules as well as have the right mindset. If you put everything into being a top poker player, than you soon will be a pro. Keep these tips in mind, practice, practice, practice, and one day you will be the player other people want to be.

Attractions And Activities In Arlington

By Connor Smith

Did you know that Arlington Texas is conveniently located between Dallas and Fort Worth Texas and has a lot to offer! The city has over 4,000 acres of park land, 5 recreation centers, 49 tennis courts, 6 swimming pools, 44 miles of park trail,

These are some of my favorite sights and sounds in Arlington.
1. Dallas Cowboys stadium is extremely impressive, it seats 80,000 comfortably and can be increased to 110,000 people. The stadium is fully enclosed with a retractile roof and can be used for many different venues. You can get a tour of the stadium which takes about an hour and well worth it!

2. There is Six Flags over Texas which is fun for the entire family! If you haven't ever been before to a Six Flags then this is the time to go and try one out! With tons of exhilarating rides for adults and kids your sure to have a great day!

3. The Country Peddler Show comes to Arlington Convention Center in March, August and November every year. People from all around converge to sell just about anything you can imagine. Among the menagerie of goodies to be found are stained glass, stepping stones, homemade jelly, specialty clothing, candles, handmade quilts ... and too much more to list!

4. Daired's Salon & Spa Pangea is the only facility in the DFW area to offer a hair salon, full service day spa, caf, and conference center ... all under one roof! Their spa combines holistic wellness, fitness, and nutrition services which compliment the traditional services you would expect to find at other spas. The hair salon offers expert stylists with training in hair color, unique and traditional hair styling techniques, and makeup advice. The caf employs a personal chef who prepares each menu item fresh daily.

5. Alley Cats a great place to take the family! You'll find 24 lanes of bowling, a rock climbing wall, laser tag, billiards and a video game room with over 100 games! Our nephew has his birthday party there and everyone had a blast, but this place isn't only for kids. They also offer special pricing for corporate events and have a full catered menu and full bar. I really like the place because it's smoke free so you don't have to stand around inhaling second hand smoke!

Arlington Texas has something for everyone! So come and enjoy yourself.

About the Author:

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Solo Or Multiplayer Casino Games

Internet casinos resemble the La Vegas casinos in may ways. They use intense-audio effects, a large selection of games, and flashy graphics. On the Internet though you have a choice between multiplayer or solo casino games.

In Las Vegas there are also games that are played with other players such as poker, or the games that one plays by themselves such as the slots. However, with an Internet casino you normally get to choose how you play. Numerous games are played solo but other games are played with multiple players.

Games Played Solo

One game that normally is just a solo game is slots, offline or on the Internet. This is a machine that is played by one person.

With Internet casinos, many options exist for the player to go solo with the only opponent being the computer. One game that is normally played solo is blackjack. Several of the games that can be downloaded from the Internet casinos a meant for solo play opposing the computer.

Some of the enjoyment with the casino games really is the excitement of competing and winning against the other players. This is the reason the multiplayer versions for the casino games have been and continue to be highly popular.

Casino Games Played Multiplayer

There are numerous casino games that are designed for multiplayer for you to play. These games let you socialize with others, while you display your abilities for the game.

Most Internet multiplayer casino games also have a chat room available. This chat room give the players a chance to have conversation similar to what they would have in a Las Vegas casino. This makes the whole experience seem more realistic and helps you check out the competition since you can't see them. Slots even become interactive with having the chat room to use to talk to people playing it.

Multiplayer versions are offered for most of the kinds of casino games. From bingo to blackjack to poker, you will see these versions offered so that you have the ability to interact with other people, that are playing the games too.

Multiplayer versus Solo Casino Games

Multiplayer versions of casino games give you a different type of enjoyment for your experience in Internet gaming. You can even make new friends with playing these games. Having this adds to the Internet playing enjoyment.

Internet gaming is fun and convenient, some of the Las Vegas enthusiasm for the games are lost though, if you only play solo ones. It may be faster to play the solo game which you can play at your convenience, but you will get more social interaction with the multiplayer games.

You will have to see if the rooms are open for the mulitplayer games. Most of the online casinos have more than enough rooms available so you will not have to wait that long if all are full. It is well worth the wait though, because it is so much fun to play the multiplayer games, due to the social interaction.

How To Improve Vertical Leap - Vertical Jump Program

By Brian Fender

If you take part in a sport then you will know just how competitive games can be. Today having a good jumping ability is a requirement in many sports. Apart from basketball there are also soccer and baseball in which jumping plays an important role. How high you are able to jump is determined by various factors such as genetics and diet, but it is feasible for anybody to improve vertical leap.

It must be said that it cannot be achieved without training and exercise. There is no magic trick that will allow you to jump higher. For a start you need to practice jumping, the more your practice the higher you will go. A lot will depend upon the strength of your calf muscles; these can give you a lot of lift.

If you are serious about improving your vertical leap then you will need to exercise daily. Try to focus on activities that can enhance your leg muscles. For example try using a skipping rope for thirty minutes a day. At first it can be hard to get the coordination correct, with patience it is possible. By practising skipping you will also improve your coordination and balance.

When jumping you also need to control your positioning and posture. Many athletes have found that hopping can help them in this regard. Hopping exercises allow both legs to develop in their strength and coordination.

Many professional coaches will recommend using stairs or steps to enhance jumping ability. Even if you live on the ground floor of a building you can still practice by using steps, this could even be inside your home.

Whatever your reason for wanting to enhance your vertical leap it is possible. It is best to incorporate leg muscle training along with exercises that improve lung capacity so that you don't get out of breath when jumping around.

About the Author:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Guide To Casino Special Offers

Online casinos are increasingly popular, with gamers choosing these virtual casinos over brick and mortar establishments in many cases for their convenience. Even through online casinos are so popular, competition in this industry is stiff, with casinos always in search of promotions that will attract gamers to their casino sites.

How Special Offers and Promotions Work

These casino special offers can be a boon to gamers and casinos alike. The casinos are happy to get new players' business and of course, gamers are thrilled with the free games, sign up bonuses, extra winnings and other casino promotions that they benefit from.

Casino special offers vary from one online casino to the next, as do the terms and conditions of these offers. Gamers should always read the terms and conditions in their entirety to make sure that they fully understand the conditions of these promotional offers. Not all of these promotions are what they seem - and the last thing you want is to enter some sort of agreement which benefits only the casino.

Types of Casino Special Offers

You'll see a wide variety of different online casino promotions out there, but the ones which follow are the most commonly used by casinos in the effort to retain existing players and attract new business.

- Sign up bonuses: These are bonuses which are offered to players who are new to a given casino. When first signing up for an account at the casino, new players may be given what is essentially free money to play with. The average signup bonus is around $100, though players are usually given this amount in installments over a few month's time.

- Percentage bonus: A percentage bonus involves the casino matching (up to a specified limit) the money that you deposit into your account. This percentage may be anywhere from 10% and up, though is typically above 50% and sometimes as high as 500%.

- Matching bonus: A matching bonus is a type of casino special offer where the casino will match the amount that you put into your account. As with percentage bonuses, there is almost always a limit on how much the casino will match.

- Reload offer: This is a type of bonus which may be offered to existing players rather than new ones. These bonuses involve the casino "reloading" the player's account with money to encourage them to keep coming back and gaming at the casino.

- Preferred deposit: This is a type of casino promotion which encourages gamers to use a specific type of payment, usually through some sort of percentage bonus for this form of payment.

- Loyalty rewards: This is an offer made to players who have been with the same casino for a specified time; this is usually a bonus of some sort, though the exact type of reward varies.

- High roller reward: These promotions are designed to reward gamers who make large deposits. Typically, this is in the form of a matching or percentage bonus, though this depends on the casino.

These are just a few of the more common casino special offers and casino promotions you may find online - there are many others which you'll come across when looking into different online casinos. Casino special offers are intended to get the interest of players and there are many of these promotions which represent a good deal to players. Just make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully to make sure that what sounds like a great value actually is before you commit to anything.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Win Big by Playing Progressive Jackpots

Playing Progressive jackpots is far more exciting than playing for a standard payout. These money pots can contain hundreds of thousands of dollars and it all goes to the lucky winner. No wonder everyone is buzzing about these big buck payouts. If you want to know more about how to get in on the action then read on and discover all you need to know about playing progressive jackpots.

Knowledge is King

Make sure you do your homework and understand the casino game and the rules regarding progressive jackpots before you decide to play. If you have a good understanding of the game and know how to calculate the odds it gives you a decided edge. Knowledge trumps even a wild card, and the more you know about jackpots and gaming the easier it is for you to determine the right play that will make you a winner.

Progressive Jackpot from A-Z

When you have a progressive jackpot it means that the amount of money in the pot increases each time the game is played. The payout is constantly tracked and displayed on screen to all players. Games that have a progressive jackpot are being offered on multiple sites so that they will attract the maximum interest. These types of jackpots are the highest payouts offered by casinos and gaming sites. As more players come to the table the jackpot grows. The higher the jackpot grows the more players come back to the table. This is why the payout amounts for these types of games grow so rapidly.

The only difference between slots or video poker that is played for a progressive jackpot and those that are being played for regular jackpots is the fact that the progressive jackpot pays the winner more money. There are no tricks or gimmicks involved, and the winning odds are unchanged.

Increasing the Jackpot Amount

Each time a progressive jackpot game is played and not won the jackpot amount increases.Playing for a progressive jackpot will require you to pony up a minimum number of credits if you want to be eligible for the money payout. You can still try the game without investing the total number of credits, but should you win you will not be awarded the jackpot. Any of the credits that are collected by players of a progressive jackpot game will be added to the jackpot amount, even those that come from players who have not entered enough credits to be eligible for the payout.

The money amount in a progressive jackpot grows rapidly because there are so many players trying their luck at multiple gaming sites around the world. Building a jackpot with an astronomical payout is not hard to do because of the high number of players. If you check out some of these jackpot games you will see that the payout amount is increasing almost every minute.

A progressive jackpot is reset to a minimum amount immediately after it has been won. Once this is done players can begin playing and build the jackpot amount up once again. Even when the amount is reset to a minimum number the jackpot will be rebuilt quickly.

Stick to your Playing Strategy

All casino games are played the same regardless of what type of jackpot you are playing for. A progressive jackpot does not change anything except the amount of the payout. You should remember this and stick to your usual playing style and game strategy. Do not allow those big dollar jackpots to make you forget the importance of careful, responsible playing. Some people are dazzled by the large dollar amounts they see onscreen and they start playing so free and loose that they soon have no hope of winning.

Don't be afraid to start playing progressive jackpots but just stick to your standard gaming play. Do not let large jackpot amounts intimidate you and cause to you forget the limits you set. Keep your gaming strategies in mind and never shift your playing style just because the jackpots are continuing to increase well into 6 numbers

When you opt to play a progressive jackpot game you are giving yourself a chance to win a really big payout. Still the odds for a win with these games are the same as they would be on any other game. However there is certainly more to be gained by winning one of these enormous payouts as opposed to the smaller payouts offered with those regular games.

Beat Maker Online - Sonic Producer Review

By Neil Hunter

As with many things, advances in technology has meant that making beats and mixing music has moved online from being just the domain of those with access to expensive hardware or studios. Sonic Producer offers a paid membership service where the software is accessed online by the user. There is a lot of competition in this market at the moment and Sonic Producer has gained a lot of publicity in recent months. So does it offer value for money and what precisely does the software provide to the user? These questions will be addressed in this review.

Sonic Producer is a music sequencer with mp3 export capability. Sonic Producer also features music production tutorials with different keyboards, studios as well as tutorials on how to use the Sonic Producer application. All this is available online through the "members area" and contains everything including the software, sounds and the system of video lessons and documentation. The members section is full of tutorials with production lessons in Logic, ProTools, software instruments, keyboards and much more. You will also get to download your high quality beats and instrumentals and show off the beats you make with Sonic Producer.

As always, there is an element of subjectivity when trying to assess the functionality of a system like Sonic Producer. Whilst it may be tempting to compare Sonic Producer to that of professional grade consoles and software, in truth it is not a fair comparison. Professional consoles and software will always have the edge over an online system like Sonic Producer, so this review really focuses on how the software fairs against the other systems which make beats online. In this respect, Sonic Producer fairs very well as it has many of the music mixing essentials not seen in other online beat making software websites. The music sequencer consists of sixteen tracks, each having it's own separate volume controls. The user can control the tempo of the music by changing the the number of beats per minute . The sequencer also includes an integrated virtual keyboard and drum pad. Although this would seem like a limited feature set compared to console music mixing software, this is more than many of Sonic Producer's online competition.

The sample library must be one of the stronger points of the Sonic Producer System. Some console software which is much more expensive in price, do not have such an extensive range of samples in terms of quality and selection. This is a big plus to the Sonic Producer system. It's also useful to know that it can function on any computer or operating system, so it matters not whether you have a Mac, PC or other platform. For any issues regarding the site, there is a support system that should help you get answers to any queries.

When compared to the price of other online beat maker software in the market, Sonic Producer comes out as being a very affordable option. It is also important to note that whilst many sites charge a monthly or yearly premium to gain access to their online software, Sonic Producer only charges a low one-time fee for lifetime access.

Sonic Producer is currently offering a lifetime subscription to their online beat making software for only $29.95. In summary, Sonic Producer's good functionality, extensive sample and sound library and at a very affordable price, should make it the number one choice for any young or developing musician interested in using a beat maker online.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

One Nation, Under Television And Obsession.

By Matthew Kerridge

The A. C. Nielsen Co., in doing its research has numbers saying the average American citizen, over a sixty five yr. Lifetime will spend slightly over nine years watching television. This translates to nearly twenty eight hours of watching per week and up a full two months per year in viewing! A simple indicator of our national obsession with them.

Households in the United States have the highest ownership rate on earth today per-capita. With numbers over ninety-nine percent owning a minimum one, and standing at an average of not quite three TV sets in each home. These sets are turned on, (if being watched or even not) for almost seven solid hours per day on average, and when the term couch potato is being used, it does not fall too far from base does it?

A full sixty percent or more of the United States population is able to name all members of a comedy team like the Three Stooges comedy team, but but less than fifteen percent of the same number questioned being able to name any three Supreme Court Justices of the nine that sit on it. The modern television has been seen as an aid developmentally in this over a time frame.

The television was made commercially available in the early nineteen-thirties time frame. The first actual public broadcasts having been made from the Olympiad of nineteen thirty-six in Berlin Germany to government run stations in that city and Leipzig as well. This availed the games for viewing the first time to a nations populace. Due to sheer cost and a lack of programming, the television was not to make headway into peoples hearth and home until the mid part of the nineteen-fifties.

With the growing sales of sets, the television developed into an unmatched advertising tool as well. Broadcasters currently, use thirty percent or more of time for advertising usage. The average child in the United States alone, sees nearly twenty thousand thirty second commercials per year. The result effects manufacturers, retailers, and they base of the economy itself. Ask yourself if you would have been at that fast food outlet today if not for the children's prodding of you, and their will to get the new toy offered with a meal.

The average American youth spends nearly nine hundred hours per year in school. Now, comparing this to the fact that the same young child is spending very near, or more than seventeen hundred hours watching a television during the same years time frame! Since the early part of the nineteen-seventies, disparity in numbers like these has been advanced very steadily. Additions of various inventions like these; the DVD, the VCR, Blu-Ray systems, DVR and the like, we are rapidly adding to the already high numbers over recent years.

The television is a valuable tool of communication, learning, and development. The over use of it as a distraction is its greatest detriment and flaw. The public needs to be aware of and try to monitor its use in more productive and responsible manner.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

MMA Flashback: Kimbo Slice And Elite XC Debut On CBS

By Ross Everett

It wasnt the decisive blowout that EliteXC was hoping far to send Kimbo Slices stardom into the stratosphere but with some seriously tense moments for the former street fighter against a game James Thompson everyone concerned is likely happy with a victory of any sort. Kimbo at times displayed some surprising skill on the ground, while at other times looked amateurish and lost. Slice clearly had the edge in the standup exchanges, and appeared to have Thompson on the verge of going down for the count several times in the fight. To his credit, the British fighter--who developed a reputation for having one of the weakest chins in the sport during his tenure in PRIDE--took Kimbo's best shots and had a tactical answer every time he got in trouble by taking the bout to the mat.

This strategy worked well for Thompson until the final round. Though "The Colossus" kept his feet through several punishing combinations, the beginning of the end came when a Slice punch nearly sheared his ear off. The bloody, grotesque ear was clearly at risk of being seriously damaged and Kimbo punctuated this with four or five uncontested power punches. Thompson by this point was out on his feet and the ref jumped in to bring the proceedings to a halt giving Kimbo a TKO victory.

While Thompson and his corner complained of an early stoppage, given the severity of the ear injury and the four or five uncontested power shots by Kimbo its a tough case to make. Furthermore, it was consistent with the officiating all night which obviously was trying to err on the side of caution in the first MMA event on prime time major network television. The ref was quick to call several of the earlier bouts, and the ringside physician was involved in two more bouts. Clearly, everyone concerned wanted to take no chances and risk an ugly late stoppage or serious injury with a huge broadcast TV audience"many of whom were assumed to be MMA neophytes.

EliteXC overall has to be very happy with how the event came off. The presentation was highly professional all night, and the announcing was superb. There was no question that Gus Johnson and Mauro Ranallo are solid pros, and Frank Shamrock is obviously a well spoken and experienced expert commentator but the three meshed together exceptionally well.

The emphasis from the start was on selling the sport of MMA, with the promotion taking a secondary role. This was done via nicely produced and informative instructional videos, which would be helpful to a first time MMA viewer but didnt come off as sophomoric to the seasoned aficionado. Given the often unpredictable nature of the sport, EliteXC has to be pleased with how everything came off and the results of the fights on the card.

Overall, it was a professionally produced and entertaining night of action. With the exception of the less than decisive victory by Kimbo in the main event, it couldnt have gone better for EliteXC had it been scripted. The end result is that both of their marquee names among the general public--Slice and Carano--remained undefeated.

About the Author:

Friday, December 11, 2009

Online Real Series Slots 101

Real Series slots are slot machines from Real Time Gaming or RTG. Real Time Gaming is well known in the industry and the top software being used at elite internet casinos. RTG software is well respected for providing an amazing online gaming experience. RTG provides exceptional graphics, a wide variety of games, fast payouts and competent customer service. RTG has now expanded into offering Real Series slots that go above and beyond what you could ever get before in online gaming.

What to Expect from Real Series Slots

The thing that makes RTG stand out from other online casino software is the attention to detail. With RTG games, including Real Series slots, you get some amazing features that make your gaming experience amazing and take it to a whole new level. If you are not careful, you may actually start to think you are in a real life casino instead of playing online.

Here is an overview of the Real Series slots features:

Quick gaming experience - Real Series slots are fast no matter how fast your internet connection may be. Even the slowest dial up connections will be fast.

Amazing look - RTG is known for providing realistic and entertaining graphics. This is no different with Real Series slots. They add to the game, making it fun and exciting to play. There are eye catching animations, too, that just really add something to the game that you cannot find anywhere else.

Small cost - These RTG slots have minimum credits, so you can play a lot even if you don't have a huge budget. An additional plus is that the slots can be played with money instead of confusing credits.

Multiple pay lines - With the large variety of pay lines, winning is a lot easier. You may not win huge, but you will probably win something when you play Real Series slots.

Optional Features

Besides the features listed above, some Real Series slots games will have special features that let you win more, play more and have more fun. These special features include:

- The ability to earn free spins.

- Bonus rounds where you have the chance to win a higher jackpot.

- Growing progressive jackpots that offer the largest possible payout in the casino.

Examples of Real Series Slots

There are numerous Real Series slots form which to choose. Figuring out which one to play can be confusing. Here is an overview of some of the slot machine games you may want to give a try:

- Archilees Slot: offers free spin bonuses up to 25 spins at 3x

- Ronin: higher risk game with random bonus round to earn free spins

- Prince of Sherwood: a fun themed game that offers some unique bonus rounds

Once you play Real Series slots and compare them to other slots you will never want to go back. The overall experience with a Real Series slot machine is something that cannot quite be explained. No amount of saying how great the graphics are or how fun the games are to play will do justice to these amazing slot machines. You just have to give them a try and have a blast to see why people love Real Series slots.

A Software Beat Maker Makes Sense - Right?

By Mick LLaleBeoufey

What is a beatmaker? What does it mean to say you utilized a "beatmaker" to make beats? And how is a software beat maker used by people that want to mix a descent sounding song? The first thing to remember when working with a software beat maker is that the term "beatmaker" is patois and will not be found in the English compendium. The second thing to keep in mind is that like many terms employed by musicians, the solution to what a software beat maker is might change dependent on who you ask.

This makes a software beat maker a bit easier to wrap your head around. For instance, you can generally download a software beat maker or "beatmaker" before you purchase it. Of course, you'll have limited access to a couple of the functionality and you may not be able to transfer or save your music, but it is a superb way to find out if that particular programme makes the beats you want with the interface that supports your creative needs .

When snooping around for a software beat maker there are a couple of things you will need to have a look for. For starters, you will need to ensure it has the number of tracks that is right for the beats you want to make. Typically , 16 tracks is a great place to start, but you can most likely do just fine on an eight track software beat maker / sequencer. 2nd, you may need to be sure that it has a enormous library of sounds that you can use at your disposal immediately.

This is important because you never can tell what type of eclectic sound you may be into in the future, and also what sounds you may want to add to your beat to make it more dynamic and unique. Fundamentally, the more sounds you have, the more chance to make an interesting and creative beat that not only sounds excellent but is original, and you cannot be too original these days.

Some software beat makers will have virtual piano keys which you may use to add synthesizer sounds to your beat. This can be helpful if you do not have access to a sequencer or music production station. Ideally, you would create a beat on the beatmaker, export it to mp3 and then copy it to your sequencer. From there you would use the beat as a simple loop and you would add the other sounds ( piano, voice and so on. ) through the software sequencer.

However , there are software beat makers that you can use to practically produce an entire song. Of course I'm not sure of any beat makers which will let you add vocals, so ultimately, you will wish to transfer your beat to a sequencer for final getting a grip on and any vocals you may want to add.

About the Author:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Real Series Slots- Understanding the Basics

If you haven't had the opportunity to play real series slots before you are missing out on crazy exciting. These slots derive from Real Time Gaming or better known as RTG. It's considered to be one of the best softwares out there and is used by almost all the elite internet casinos today. You are able to enjoy an online gaming experience much like the one at your local casino without all the people surrounding you. There are tons of games, fast payouts, and even good customer service available.

What Should You Expect from Real Series Slot?

Attention to detail is probably one of the biggest benefits to this online casino software. It's the closest thing to being at your nearby casino, and enjoying all the same types of benefits. However, you'll be able to save on gas, food costs, and even adult beverage prices by enjoying this from the comfort of your own home.

Real Series Slots Features

Quick Gaming Experience- When you play with Real Series slots you will soon realize that it doesn't matter if you have dial-up or high-speed Internet. Either way you will be able to enjoy fast gaming thanks to RTG.

Amazing Look- The appeal is uncanny, and when you see it for yourself you will realize the graphics are as realistic as can be. It just allows the game to be more enjoyable and provide you the same fun and excitement as you find in a real casino. The animations are extremely eye catching, and when you come across a casino not using RTG you will know.

Small Cost- These are the Real Series machines that have the minimum credits available. So if you don't have the biggest budget tonight, you can still win money by playing small.

Multiple Pay Lines- If you want more than one chance to win then you have to take advantage of the multiple pay line slots. There are several variations out there that range from 3 lines to 200.

Optional Features

Even though all the features above are great, you can find RTG machines that let you win more and allow for more playing time. These include:

- Earning free spins.

- Bonus rounds.

- Progressive Jackpots

Some RTG Examples

Probably the only downfall to RTG machines is figuring out which ones you want to play. So here is a short list of slots you may want to try:

- Archilees Slot: offers free spin bonuses up to 25 spins at 3x

- Ronin: higher risk game with random bonus round to earn free spins

- Prince of Sherwood: a fun themed game that offers some unique bonus rounds

We will warn you; the first time you play RTG machines, you won't want to go back to the old ones you were playing. The overall experience can't be explained. Sure we could sit here and boast about them all day, but until you have the opportunity to play them yourself, it just won't be the same.

Learn To Play Guitar Video

By Jarvis D. Burris

Many help books and online sites will try to coach you to study guitar, however the simplest way to learn how to play the guitar is by video. Learn how to play guitar videos may be employed to defeat methods that books can't teach.

Video formats

Learn to play the guitar videos can come in numerous formats. The commonest will be mpeg followed by avi and midi. These can all be accessed thru Windows media player 10. Before downloading a learn how to play guitar video, always check the format and compatibility with your system.

Finding the right video

When looking out for a learn how to play guitar video the sole way to find the best one is watch them and see which one suits you. They can all have different teachers and strategies and finding the proper one for you is a little trial-error.

Lesson one

During the 1st lesson on a, learn how to play guitar video, make sure the video teaches you the basic chords and hand movements. This is crucial to create good methodologies and will also help you in the future lessons by making it simpler to learn more sophisticated riffs.

Buying a guitar

Buying a guitar can't be don with a, learn how to play guitar video. Visit a specialized store and talk with an expert about the best guitar for you. Play with some and find the most snug fit. When you find the right guitar you'll know, it is like putting on an ideal pair of boots, it just fits! While you are in the shop do not forget to look at there collection of learn how to play guitar videos.

Caring for your guitar

Many learn how to play guitar videos will have a section on the simple way to care for your guitar. Caring for your guitar is important and you want to be sure you treat it as you would a new automobile. The guitar will need regular tuning and upkeep to guarantee it'll work to its perfect level. Keeping in clear from dust, mud and sweat will keep the guitar in fantastic condition so it'll last for years to come.

Classes and lessons

Always remember, regardless of how good a, learn how to play guitar video is, it will never replace lessons with a great teacher. It is extremely tough to raise questions to a, learn how to play guitar video and having a teacher in the room will help you in maintaining a high standard and hinder you from behaving lazily. Group classes could be a nice way to hang out with other newbies and will show you that you aren't alone when learning.

The important things to recollect when looking for a, learn how to play guitar video, is to be sure you are ok with the teaching style. Find a style that's straightforward to learn and engaging so you will not become bored.

About the Author:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Real Series Slots- Why They're the Best Software

If you take a look at all the casinos online today, the elite companies choose to use Real Series Slots. If you haven't heard of them before you might have heard of Real Time Gaming or RTG. Companies have raved about this software for quite some time and if you're looking for an online gaming experience like no other, it's definitely worth utilizing. You will have plenty of games to choose from, extremely fast payouts, and some of the best customer service out there.

What Should You Expect from Real Series Slot?

One of the biggest benefits you can expect from Real Series Slots is the attention to detail they're casino software offers. Out of all the available choices today, they are considered to be the closest thing to your local casino. The only difference is it's not overcrowded, you can play what you want when you want, and money on gas, food costs, and adult beverage purchases.

Real Series Slots Features

Quick Gaming Experience- Once you're able to start playing, it won't matter if you have the slowest connection out there, or the fastest one. You will be able to enjoy the same benefits either way.

Amazing Look- You will also find that the gaming appeal alone is one way ahead of its time. When you look at the graphics you will see that they are as realistic to a slot machine in the casino near you as possible. This means the same fun and excitement, and with some eye catching animations as well.

Small Cost- Lower denomination slots are also available through the Real Series Slots. So if you only want to play to relieve some stress or just budget your money better, you'll be able to do so with lower cost slots.

Multiple Pay Lines- Having more than one chance to win on each spin is very enticing to some, and if this is the case for you then multiple pay lines will be the best choice. You can find everything from 3 lines to 200 depending on the game.

Other Features

While everything above looks great, there will be additional features on some of the RTG slots like:

- Earning free spins.

- Bonus rounds.

- Progressive Jackpots

Some RTG Slots

If we had to produce a downfall to the RTG type software, it's probably choosing which ones you want to play. Below you will find a few that are popular today:

- Archilees Slot: offers free spin bonuses up to 25 spins at 3x

- Ronin: higher risk game with random bonus round to earn free spins

- Prince of Sherwood: a fun themed game that offers some unique bonus rounds

However, once you get your hands on these you won't want to go back to what you were playing with before. The Real Series Slots are the best choice for anyone looking to play or start their own online casino. Unfortunately, telling you about all the benefits isn't nearly as good as seeing them in action yourself.